Opposite Of My Everything

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Twenty Four-year-old, Hunter Adams has been hangging out or sleeping with blondes, but beneath all the blonde girls he's been with, he was really actually finding a right girl that fits his list, whole entire list. And one of the things that's in his list is the girl has to be blonde because someone ruined of what he has been asking he's whole life, that's why he made that list, and he won't give up, and never again let anything ruin it for him.

Now, who would exactly be that perfect for him?

Twenty Three-year-old Kristen Denver has been enjoying her free life with photography, she was happy visiting her family, her own sister Emma Denver. But on a very important occasion she bumped into someone from her past and someone in her sister's past.

How would she exactly make it up, to the person who she destroyed?

Will he ever find the right person for him? Will fate agree on his terms? Will she fall inlove with the person who's been such a big deal in her life? Will she do whatever it takes?

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