Chapter 9

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About a month later Alpha Scott, an alpha from a neighbouring pack came and spoke to xavier and blake about the up coming war with the rogues.

He said that a rogue had been on his land trying to cross over to get to our territory to send a message to xavier. He was informed that Dean the leader of the rogues had set a date that the war will begin in two months time on the 13th.

Alpha Scott insisted that he and his pack will also fight in the war, his pack has 125 members and that would be great help because we didn't know how many rogues we were up against, so its best to keep out numbers up.

The wolves fighting standards were better than ever, they were faster, stronger and smarter. I think it is better to also train in human form as well as your wolfs form in order to handle any attacks.

On the starting of the war some members and the children of the packs will be moved to a safe house on Alpha scotts territory with their women and children, there will also be two or three stronger wolves to keep guard in case of a sneak attack.

"I think we should make alpha scotts pack attack from one side, split alpha xavier's pack making them attack from the side and the back while my pack attacks from the front" Blake suggested to the group.

We were currently trying to come up with a strategy on how we should attack the rogues but with all three alpha's in the room it proving to be difficult as the all want to lead the front.

"No I think it is best if my pack leads the front alpha blake seeing as we have more members then what you pack holds" Alpha scott proposed. Yes this was true but did the Pride pack have the sort of fighting skills that both the Shadow Moon & Midnight packs have?

I cleared my throat and all heads snapped in my direction "I might have an Idea" I said in my strongest voice. "Go ahead sky" xavier gestured with his hand.

"I think that it is best if the Pride & Midnight packs both attack from the sides and the Shadow moon pack attack from both the front and the back" Both alpha scott and blake was about to interrupt but I cut them off "I am only suggesting this idea as alpha scott we do not know what kind of fighting skills your pack has, I know they are different to the way I have trained these packs but I am not disrespecting your pack alpha but I think it is best if we take the front because we are the strongest pack and I know how which wolves are strong enough to man the front. Alpha blake it is also best if you attack from the side seeing as you have a considerably smaller pack than the others and it will take a lot more wolves at the front. With us being the larger pack, we can split them and attack front and back effectively trapping the rogues in" I let out a much need breathe after that speech.

All the alpha's and beta's thought this over for a minute or two before the finally the decision that they all agreed on this idea.

After another hour of going over plans the meeting was over.

"Well I will take my leave Alpha's, I will call in a week or two. " alpha scott said shaking hands with both xavier's and blake's, giving a brief goodbye before he and his second in command left to head back to their pack land.

As I went to leave with xavier, blake called my name stopping me.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" He said before looking over to xavier "Alone.."

Xavier was about to answer but I replied before he did "Sure" I shrugged. Xavier took hold of my hand turning me to face him "Are you sure?" I nodded my head reluctantly.

He turned back to blake with a glare "Alpha I would not like any harm to come to a member of my pack and I do not want a display of what previously happened in my home" His voice void of emotion.

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