Chapter 13 - Never Let Go

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~ ~ Chapter Thirteen ~ ~

After his shock wore off, a smug smile crept across his lips as he folded his arms casually over his chest – glancing briefly at Dougy’s knocked out body before looking back to me once again. Shaking his head slightly, “You won’t kill me Amber,” he sounded confident and I knew he had a reason too.

Re-adjusting my fingers better around the guns handle, sweat was starting to form on them and my heart was pounding at a hundred miles per hour, I was nervous, scared and I felt trapped but Dougy needed me right now. Where on earth is Phil when I need him?

“Y-yes I will, step back!” I half shouted the last part, trying to not show how freaked out I was but we both heard it in my voice.

“Amberly, put the gun down before you hurt someone,” Darcy spoke in a calm but slightly patronizing tone which irked me.

“Step back then,” I countered, not lowering the only thing that right in this moment is stopping him from harming Dougy.

Darcy shook his head once more while an angry look came across his face, “No can do kiddo, he’s caused me more grief than any other single man has and I want revenge.”

He took a small but threatening step forward while I met it with one back, stepping even closer to Dougy. “Don't do that!” I hissed angrily at Darcy, glaring at who I had once thought of as a friend but his actions are proving otherwise right now.

Darcy smirked cockily and I glared back even more. “Just put the gun down Amber,” he once again used that calm but patronising tone and I ground my teeth.

“Don't call me that,” I muttered angrily, that was Leila’s nickname, not his.

He smirked again, “Just let me at least punch him in the head a few times and I’ll call it even.”

I shook my head quickly as my eyes bugged a little, did he seriously think I would just stand aside and let him do that? Shifting one foot back until it came into contact with Dougy’s, I kicked him quickly, praying he would just wake up.

“That won’t work, look at how long I’ve been out for,” Darcy muttered.

“Dougy, get up!” I snapped as I kicked him again only to make him groan slightly and that was it, not even a flutter of his eyes or any kind of movement. “Why did you do this De?” my gaze went back to my former friend who I was having serious trust issues with right now.

Darcy looked shocked by my accusation, “What?” he asked loudly and pointed to himself, “You think I did this? Amber, I’ve only just woke up not long ago.”

Narrowing my eyes, “Stop calling me that! My name’s Amberly, not Amber!” I snapped; losing my cool as my panic was getting out of control. Taking a few deep breathes I tried my best to calm down. I don't think Darcy would hurt me per say but I know he will get Dougy, so it’s him that I have to protect.

“Fine, fine, just chill alright,” he muttered, holding his hands up like I was some kind of wild animal.

If you didn’t do this, then who did?” I demanded, not trusting him as far as I can throw him – which isn’t far at all.

Darcy’s eyes narrowed over my disbelieving tone at his so called innocence, “I don't know; I only just woke up. You’re the one with a traitor here,” he growled lightly.

Instantly my mind clicked to Earl, he is the only other person in this house right now, “Earl,” I whispered to myself, looking away from Darcy momentarily but then he moved forward a tiny bit and my eyes snapped back to him, “Stop inching closer!” I snapped with annoyance.

Never Let Go - (Book 2 of NBTSA)Where stories live. Discover now