We arrived at Target like Jessica had said and saw Lily and Tyler standing guard.
I honked so they knew it was me, and jumped out of the car running to them. Hugging them like crazy.
"Where are the others," Anna asked from behind me. She was also starting to hug the two.
"They're in the front area of the store. Before you guys go in we need to stock your weapons. Which ones are you keeping on you," Tyler said/asked.
"The bats." We said that in unison.
"Great. Where's the rest of the weapons?" Lily replied.
"In the back of the car. Want us to help get them out? There's not many."
"I got it." He turned to Lily, "Show them around the store? Send Jessica out when you guys have said hello."
"Got it bossy pants," she called over her shoulder.
"Golly. I've missed you guys," I sighed.
Once we got inside I saw Jessica and Camden playing cards on the floor. As soon as they saw us walk in the door, they ran and hugged us.
We of course hugged them back.
"Jessica, Tyler wants you on guard while I'm showing them around. Take a riffle."
Anna and looked at each other. We were gonna need to step our game. They seem like a well trained army compared to us.
We were shown the sleeping, eating, and bathing quarters. Added to that, we were shown the guard scheduale, and "run" scheduale. They wanted to preserve the supplies here incase a herd passed and we had to be on lock down. Which is smart as hell.
"Guys. We wont let you down. Not a chance."