Moving in With Aaquil

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Cassie POV

I woke up in Aaquil's arms. I smiled as I got out of bed and stretched. I grabbed 2 towels out of his closet and took a 10 minute shower. I got out, dried off, and wrapped the big towel around me and the little towel around my hair. As I dried off, I decided on wearing one of Slim's big shirts that was red and went to my knees. I need to bring some clothes if I'm going to be staying over here for a while. Anyways, I went downstairs to make everybody breakfast since I was in a good mood. I would be making pancakes, eggs, bacon, grits, and sausages. I got all the ingredients and set them on the table, preparing the big breakfast.

Slim POV

I woke up with Cassie no where in sight. I got out of bed, stretched and yawned, and took a 20 minute shower. Then I got out, dried off, and looked for something to wear. While I was thinking, I decided to ask Cassie if she wanted to live here with me. Seeing as though she'll be coming here often and because she's my girlfriend. I put on my outfit and walked downstairs to the kitchen to see Cassie cooking breakfast in my big red shirt. I smiled and went behind her, as I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed the back of her neck.

She giggled and said, " Hey baby. I'm making everybody breakfast. Want some?"

"Yes, I would love some. Umm, can I ask you something?"

"Yes, you can tell me anything! What is it?" she asked, turning to me.

"Well, I was wondering if you would like to move in with me?" I asked.

Cassie POV

Did he just asked me to move in with him?

"What you say?" I asked.

"I said, do you want to move in with me? Considering because you're my girlfriend and I want to see more of you. So much more." he said, as he looked deep into my eyes.

"Yes, I'll move in with you. But after breakfast I got to start packing at my house." I said, as I turne to finish making breakfast.

"Ok, I'll be happy to help you pack." Slim said, with a smile on his face.

"Ok." I said, concentrating on finishing the food.

About 45 minutes later, all the food was done. Me, Aaquil, and Khalif was sitting at the table, talking and eating. We talked about their careers and other things. After that, I cleaned all the dishes I dirtied up and went to go put my clothes back on so we can go to my house snd start packing.

Ok, if I at least get 8 votes and some feedback in the comments, I'll update this story. Tell me what y'all think, did you guys like it? It was pretty boring to me though, so vote qnd comment please! Thank you all!

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