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The signs with a crush:

Aries- gives you a note asking you to circle yes or no to liking them.
Taurus- *cues awkward small talks 24/7*
Gemini- *listens to sappy love songs while stalking their crush on Instagram*
Cancer- give you the most obvious hints and share literally everything they own with you.
Leo- "I really like you...haha just kidding! Lol...haha!"
Virgo- *Verbal Diarrhea*
Libra- *Sends you pick of them to you*
Scorpio- "Hey, umm, I wanted to tell you that, umm, YOUR A NERD" *Runs away blushing*
Sagittarius- *casually mentions they're are single whenever your around*
Capricorn- *Knows more about you than you do*
Aquarius- completely ignores you but gushes about you to their pet.
Pisces- "We've never spoken but I've already named our children."

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