Chapter 1

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I grumbled, walking blindly down the hallway. The lantern I had found earlier had run out of oil. Can life get any better? I heard a low inhuman growl. I guess it can. I ran the other direction and hid behind some barrels. The thing came out of the shadows and walked right passed me.

Haha stupid creature. One of the barrels fell to it's side with a loud thump. What the heck?! I didn't even touch it! I thought they were nice little inanimate objects that did nothing! The thing stopped and turned around and hobbled towards my, not so great, hiding spot.

Oh crap.

I stood up with a barrel raised over my head. "Die beast," I screamed, chuckling the cruel, untrust-worthily object at the monster. As the barrel smashed into it, I ran for my life. I ran, blinding turning corners till I ran into the wall. I fell to the ground yelling unintelligible rubbage.

 I sat up rubbing my head,"Ow." I stood up and straightened out my shirt. I felt around and my hand brushed against a doorknob. I pulled on the door to open. It didn't even budge. I sighed and walked some more, my hand sliding against the wall.

I felt another door. I, again, tried to open it. It didn't move. That process happened three more times. I pulled on another door. Again it was locked. "Oh for the love of Christ," I shouted with anger. I skulked down the hallway and sat in a corner.

I saw a barrel. I growled and scolded the object about how stupid barrels are and how useless they are. Frustrated, I stood up and began to kick it, like that would solve everything I'm dealing with right now. It's just a dumb barrel.

I was about to punch it when a hand lanched out and gripped my wrist hard. I yelped in surprise. I couldn't believe it. Where the barrel once was, stood a man with brown hair with a brown and pair of fancy tan dress pant and he looked at me in anger.

"Oh hi there. How's it going," I said nervously. He gripped my wrist harder. I winced. Like I was suppose to know barrels lived and breathed as I did. This is like a world without bacon! It's impossible but here a barrel was giving my wrist the death grip.

"Please don't hurt me. I didn't know you, guys, were alive and can hear things," I cried. He studied me for a moment before smiling like a madman. "Master barrel would love to see you," he said, eyes glinting with something malicious. 

"I'm good," I say my voice cracking. "No, come, please." "No really, I must be going," I say trying to pull my hand out of his grip. His eyes darken, his hand tightening even more. "I insist." "Well, I guess...NOT!" I kneed him in the balls. He fell to the floor and groaned. I shot off like a rocket.


I held the lantern in front of me. Earlier I had finally found a door that wasn't locked. What I found behind scarred me. There were a bunch of naked dead bodies spewed all over the floor with huge amount of blood. I was just going to back out slowly but I had spotted a jar of oil and other things, I found out where called sanity potion and landandum.I had to force myself to around the bodies and scolded myself not to panick, to get the things I needed.

I turned the corner and shone the light in front of me. The light was casted upon a girl swatting down facing the corner.

That was chapter one! Hoped you liked it. I'm kind of rushed right now but later when I have time I will add pictures on the side and maybe some music. Well till then PEACE!

                                                                                ~ Holo

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