Part 1

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Hello there! Welcome to my story.
I know it might not be much and I just started this app but here's my story..

When I was in the 7th grade, I was abused by my grandpa. I didn't know why but he would always hit me or yell at me. for no apparent reason too
I would say and yell things like "Stop!" "Your Hurting Me!!" "Leave me alone!" Or "I didn't do it" I never honestly understood my grandpa. One night I figured out what cutting was. (Self harming) and I started it. I wanted to harm myself for the things I've done. Or the things I was blamed for. I hated myself ever sense my grandpa decided to hurt me. Going on and on my problem got worse. I became anorexic. I became suicidal. I started harming myself more often. It just got to the point where I didn't want to live anymore. But then one day I came across a YouTuber named Shane Dawson. I watched one of his videos playing a game called IMVU. I got onto my computer and looked at the game. The day I tried it I made a friend named layla. She became my enemy a year later.. But anyway I met a person named robert. I call him rob. I tenichally made up his nickname Robby. But, days after days depression got worse. Then a year passed and that girl layla became a back stabbing friend she bullied me. She tried stealing Robby away from me when we were dating. But we stuck together. As I was saying. People judged me because I harm myself and I'm depressed but truley they don't know the reason why. At one point I got sick of layla and just spilled my guts out to her. Telling her why I'm so hateful towards her or why I'm so angry and sad all the time. Once she knew the truth she was speechless, a day later she changed. She stabbed me in the back again and started to bully me even more. I got to where I just wanted to end my life so I could get away from all of these people and pain they have been putting me through.
--End of part 1, continue to Part 2--

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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