the change

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Time: 1943
Place: H.Y.D.R.A base


You open you eyes in confusion you feel leather straps around you for arms and ankles you see a light over the table your on you look to your left and see needles and tools of sorts a shiver runs up your spine and you see metal where your arm is suppose to be you scream and you feel a hand go over your mouth and it's metal you see a face you know all to well James 'Bucky' Barns "B-bucky?" You say he looks down at you and says,"Who's Bucky?!" You flinch at his words they are harsh you look into his eyes you see don't see the loving and caring bucky you see a cold and dead bucky you eyes go big and you have a tear role down your face and 2 men walk in and take you into a room with a machine they put you on the machine and you black out

__________time skip after brain wash__

You wake up on a bed you see a man laying on another and he gets up and looks at you and comes tords you and he kisses you your eues go wide then you melt into the kiss.

(That is all for this chapter guys hope you in joy!)

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