Chapter 2

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1 year later

I haven't seen my mother's in six months all she left me with were bills. I have no idea where she could have be or if she's coming back so I had to get a job to take care of myself. I work at a small restaurant as a waitress. I barley make much just enough to pay the rent and barley eat. I haven't had water or lights for about a month. I've been looking for a second job but no one wants to hire me.  I guess it's because the way I dress I can't afford to buy nice clothes for an interview. I graduated school last year and I couldn't even attend my own graduation. They mailed me my diploma because I couldn't afford to buy or even rent my cap and gown. I cried because it's the only thing I've ever dreamed of. Walking across that stage and having my mother cheering for me. Well I guess all I have is my hope and dreams to count on.

I left work that night and headed home. On my way home I stopped by a Gas Station to use there bathroom to clean myself since I didn't have any water at the house. After I finished I walked home, and on my way home I seen a woman and a man in an alley. They  were arguing and fighting, I tried to get a closer look to see if it was my mother and it wasn't. By the time I walked away I heard a gun fire three times. My heart started to pound ,and i felt around my body to make sure I was still alive. I turned around and I seen the woman lying on  the ground. Brains and blood were splatted everywhere. I covered my mouth so I wouldn't scream. I've never seen a dead body in  real life before and I really wish I wouldn't have seen it then. Suddenly, the man turned around and looked at me. My Eyes grew big with fear and my heart started racing like the speed of light. I didn't run or move a muscle. The man started gliding towards me like a sneaky cat. The closer he got the faster my heart started pounding. I dropped everything; I tried to back up slowly but the more I backed up the further his gun started to point at my head. The loud sound of a gun then burst in my ears making my heart stop beating but then realizing when I opened my eyes,the man was lying on the ground dead. I looked around and I didn't see anyone. No time for investigating I thought in my head, I just ran for my life before I was the next one lying on the ground dead.
The next morning

The next morning I woke up laying on the floor in my living room . I was covered in blankets.  I don't remember anything that happened last night;after I seen the body of the man that tried to kill me. All I remember after that was running for my life then I must have blacked out. I looked at the clock on the wall and seen that I only had 48 minutes exact to get dress and be to work on time. I worked double shifts 4 times a week , I figured then I might have enough to at least turn the water back on. Today I would work from eight o'clock a.m to eleven o'clock p.m. Then that's when it hit me that I dropped all my things last night at the alley. I had all my money, my I.D, and all the rest of my identity in that purse. I started to panic a little until I looked on the table in the kitchen, and there I seen my old  brown raggedy purse. I was relieved for a minute but creeped because I didn't remember anything that  happened last night. I didn't remember picking up my purse, coming home and laying down or any of that. I walked toward my purse and I seen a sticky note on the table. It read 

Don't worry I only went through your things to find out where u were staying. You were laying in the middle of the street last night so I carried you home.

I began to think to myself why wouldn't he leave his name or anything; or maybe he was stalking me and now he knows everything about me. Or maybe he shot that man last night and thought I seen him, and now he's going to try and kill me next. Well maybe not because if he was trying to kill me then he would have did it while I was laying in the street. But then again  he could be trying to play a sick game to torture my mind so he can see me suffer before he kills me. Maybe he took me home last night and rapped me while I wasn't conscious. Or maybe it wasn't a he and it was a she.

All these things were running through my mind, but then I realized none of the thoughts were good thoughts. I just couldn't bare the feeling of someone actually being nice to me. It was because no one has ever been nice to me unless they were using me to get something they wanted. I was always either used or abused;if there was any chance that this person was nice to meet just to be nice to me then they could have at least left their name for me to thank them.

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