Chapter 20~ Change

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The past three days have been amazing, the lads, me,Carlie,Dani and El have been exploring the city and I've almost forgotten about what happened with Zayn and I's little scare. We arrived at Harry's mums house last night, his mum is just delightful and Gemma is so sweet and kind.


I wake up feeling nauseous, I immediately throw the covers off of me and bolt for the bathroom. I kneel down and open the toilet seat and throw up, as I throw up I feel Zayn's strong hand start rubbing my back as he pulls my hair away from my face and mouth. I continue to throw up until I can't throw up anymore.

"You ok," Zayn says as I lean back from the toilet into his strong arms.

"Yeah I think I'm all set," I say weakly letting him embrace me.

"Did you eat anything that didn't taste right," he asked looking down at me with caring eyes.

"No, I just haven't been feeling normal since that little mishap , but it maybe its a possibility that I do have food poising," I say smiling up at him but down in my gut I knew that it wasn't food poising.

"Ok but are you feeling any better now," he says kissing my cheek lightly.

"Yes much better," I say as I get up off the floor.

"Ok let's go get you some food," he says taking my hand.

"I'll be down in a minute I just need to wash up a little," I say pecking him on the lips. He leaves the room and goes down stairs, I freshen up and rinse the puke taste out of my mouth. I leave out room and head down stairs and into the den. I find four of the five boys in the den along with Carlie,Dani, El,and Gemma. I go over and sit next to Zayn let him wrap his arms around my waist.

"Where's Harry, " I ask Gemma.

"He's still asleep,"she says smiling.

"He's still pretty warn down from what happened a few days ago," I say. After Harry had gotten home from the hospital I was the one who had called his mum and dad and had told them what had happened.

"Yeah he is, I'm just so happy he's alive I'm so glad you found him Emily. I don't know what is do if my baby brother died I'm glad he has you to talk to. " she says smiling.

" I know how you feel he's like the older brother I never had, he's always there for me," I say as I smile back at her.

"Breakfast!" Anne yells from the kitchen.

Niall is of course the first one off the couch and into the kitchen. I get off the and take Zayn's hand and we both walk into the dining room where Anne has set the food on the table. We sit down and start to eat, I fill my plate with bacon and pancakes and pour syrup over all of it and start to eat.

"Anne this is amazing," I say between bites of my pancakes.

"Thank you Emily I'm glad you like it," she says smiling.

"So what do you children have planned for today," she asks making small talk.

"We'll we were thinking of going out and going to the movies and maybe the beach late," Liam says as he pauses between bites.

"I think I'm gonna skip the movies I need to shower," I say.

"Well I have to head out and Harry needs his rest so it's just going to be you and Harry, Emily, " she says looking at me.

"That's fine, do you happen to know where the nearest drug store is I need to get some headache medicine," I lie slightly.

"Yes there is one down the road a little ways," Gemma states.

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