U & I

528 19 2

'Have you ever wondered how you'll meet the people who'll make your day seem so...nice and warm...and specially when you least expect it..
Maybe even in the most weirdest time'

-Evan's P.O.V-

Just another day. Actually, more like a typical sad and depressed evening now. Another way to spend time by just staring at the ceiling, feeling as if you'd wish to have someone next to you.

Sure Sydney was the typical perfect girlfriend, but...I still felt, and am still feeling, this emptiness inside of me.
The worst part is, I didn't feel absolutely anything when we broke up. It just happened. And after that, I finally realized that I actually do swing the other way. I found guys a bit more attractive than the girls with huge...mountains, which actually wasn't a big surprise to me.

I was about to get up to make some coffee, when all of a sudden my phone vibrated, noting me that someone has sent me a message.
I sighed and took up my phone from the counter next to my bed.

To be honest,I actually wasn't in the mood to talk but I'll just see if one of my gang pals have texted me.
Surprise surprise, it was Jonathan.

JJ: Hey man, what would you do if I would be at your doorstep? ;)

I softly snickered to myself at that thought, seems like something cheesy will come out of it.

E: Are you trying your another stupid puns or cheesy pickup lines on me?

After lesser than a minute I got a reply to my text:

JJ: Who? Me? Who said anything about such things ;;)) But anyway, could you answer my question?

I sighed a bit,rubbing my face from the lack of sleep. What would I do when he would be here? I would probably hug him...maybe even more than that
E:Well...I dunno. Probably will be scared that you'll murder me because of your 'mask'. Or be scared of you in general. I don't know what would you'd be capable of doing to me.

Once I sent the reply, a sigh escaped my mouth as I made myself fall backwards on the soft and elegant bed. I haven't gotten any good sleep for a while now. Almost always I manage to wake up around 3 or 5 AM and it has fucked up my sleep so hard.

'You have a new message'

I let out a groan as I roll on my stomach to check what Jonathan replied to me. To my surprise it wasn't any cheesy pickup line or puns at all.

JJ:Oh man. I wouldn't murder my best friend :) Of course I'd enjoy scaring the shit out of you and laugh my ass of buuuut....

I raised my eyebrow when I read the 'but' part. As I gave up thinking what to reply to him, I heard a faint knock coming on the front door.
"Who the fuck would visit me at this late time..." I mumbled to myself as I made my way towards the dull white door.I wasn't prepared to see what was in front of me.

"Oh...Hello Sydney. What brought you here?" I ask to the womanly figure in front of me.
"Oh, Hi Evan! I was just passing by and thought I should check by, maybe you would like to talk outside here on the porch for awhile?" she answered me with her typical 'I-know-something-that-you-don't' smile.
"Ah, alright, well...how are you?"I asked as I stepped outside, not wanting to let her see the house inside due to the reason my house is a huge fucking mess.
I got little chills on my body due to the reason I was only wearing a shirt and shorts.
The most perfect things to wear in a weather like Canada...

"Well...I'm doing good and bad. So...I went to this store where I found this AMAZING and ADORABLE pink bag which was..." as Sydney kept on talking and bragging about typical girl stuff, I heard a shuffling noise on the roof.
'Huh? I'm pretty sure that a bird or a squirrel won't make such a noise...' I slowly stood up and walked forward to get a better view of the roof.
Sydney looked at me with a raised eyebrow and quickly grabbed my hand with a worried look on her face: "Hey, Evan, uh...I actually wanted to see how you were doi-" she was cut off by a 'Bing' noise. The brunette quickly grabbed her phone from
her jean pockets.
Her mouth quickly turned into a little smirk and she looked at me with a glimpse of excitement in her eyes.

"Well...It was fun talking with you after a while, but I gotta run now. Ciao!~" she waved her hand and walked away with a fast pace, a smile plastered on her face.

While I stood there confused of what was this act of hers, I turned around to look up at the roof. I noticed that my bedroom window was open which I, pretty surely, didn't leave open.
'Huh...that's weird'

I sighed to myself, just saying maybe I opened it without myself noticing. But I still don't know why the hell would I open a window in this sort of weather.
It's cloudy and the moon is shimmering through the dark clouds. It's sort of calming to be outside at night, watch the moon and just chill. Except for the wind, it's basically from Antarctica because it's cold as fuck.

While my thoughts were focused on why I had left open my window, I started making my way into the house and up the stairs towards my room.
I shook my head as I finally dropped off the stupid topic inside my head, slowly making my hand grab the old door handle.

I wasn't prepared what was about to be in front of me as well.

"Hi there, Night Owl." greeted me the oh so well known Delirious.
He just stood there. Looking at me.

No, he wasn't wearing the stupid mask as if in many people would've thought they would be greeted with.
Instead, his face had the loveliest sky blue eyes. The eyes that you could be lost in forever.

He didn't have any scars on his face. Instead, there were adorable thin chestnut brown eyebrows, rose red and soft lips and the most adorable little nose.
His chestnut brown hair was short, not too short, not too long-short.
In the most perfect way of short.
And the way his hair is everywhere: up, down, left and right. It makes you want to play with his hair forever.

"Uh...Earth to Evan?" his half deep voice said as he was waving hands in front of me.

"Oh, uh...wait...Were you the one who climbed through the window and left it open? It's such a dick move man" I smiled as I crossed my hands, my eyes traveling around his figure.

"WOW. What a way to greet someone with such words." Jonathan snickered as he looked at my figure as well.
"Oh well, what brought you here anyway?" I asked as I made my way towards the window, closing it with a slight bam.
'What a crazy way to meet someone for the first time in reality...Oh well, what should I have been expected? That's our Delirious'

As I finished closing the window, I turned around to look at Jonathan once more.

He just looked at me. Staring into my eyes as I nervously tried not to look at his, knowing what may happen if I did.
I'd fall for him.
And that would be a painful fall.

Jonathan just smirked and walked closer to me, raising my heart rate with ever step he took.
After few steps, he was basically in front of my face. Jon was slightly smaller than me, but tall enough to lean over to my ear and whisper the word what sent thousands of chills down my spine.

His deeper voice simply whispered...


----Authors note----

So...This is basically my first ever H2OVanoss story that I have written.
Feel free to criticise or comment in general, they are helping me to improve QvQ ~ ♡

But if you are reading this and liked it, thank you so so much for reading and remember,

You are simply amazing and I love you ♡♥♡


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