chapter 4

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 "ahsoka are you okay"anakin asks "yes master and please stop asking you say it every 3 minutes what am i gonna do in that time?"ahsoka asks "honstly he is being so protective especially when lux is around or brought up"ahsoka thought "i don't know snips but knowing you you'll find somthing"anakin says with a chuckled. as they continued down the halls the droids started to shoot at them. "alright men fire!"rex yealled as the men were firing anakin and ahsoka ran down the hall way trying to find dooku "well well skywalker looks like you and your little padawon found me"dooku said and took out his lightsabers "you won't get away this time dooku!" anakin yelled and he and ahsoka took out their light sabers and started to fight anakin was fighting him creating a distracting him while ahsoka cam over and tryed to slah at his back. dooku saw this and force pushed anakin away and grabed ahsoka by her neck "let her go dokku!"anakin yelled fearing that his padawon would get hurt "no"dokku answered and force pushed anakin to the wall and took off with ahsoka. anakin started to run after them but it was to late becouse dooku ship took off with ahsoka with them "no!"yellede anakin angry at dooku for taking her upset that he could not help her and that she was gone and scared that he may never see his padawon ever again

well thats the end of this chapter I would like to shout out to dat_ship_tho and fantasygirl4757 thak you for your comments and support i own nothing I might not update tommorow becouse i am going to the movies also let me know if i should do a gurdian heard fanfiction if you have read/heard of the book dat_ship_tho you know what I am talking about becouse we were in the same class so thats it for now bye guys and girls

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