chapter six

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"You know, you're the one that got us into this mess. Might as well help out," Spring huffed, looking awfully irritated to my immense joy.

I scoffed at the thought. I was as lazy as lazy comes, "And break a nail? That's my absolute worse nightmare right there. Anyway, it looks like you got it working out pretty well for you. Wouldn't want my ass messing it up, yeah?"

The both of us, after we were casted out of Hell, or as it was commonly known as my English teacher's room, had both decided to be the better woman and go to the principal's office to be rewarded for our obscene language skills.

Even though I knew the principal well enough that we were on a first name basis and practically the best of friends, it did not help the current situation between the goddamn Spring Garcia and my lovely, uncannily rude self.

We both received two hours after school to clean up the outside annex, our cafeteria, until it was so clean, it would, and I quote, "Shine brighter than the sun." 

Yeah, not happening, buddy.

And let me tell you, it was the most disgusting ass thing you could ever do in the history of the Earth. Seriously, no time in my future would I become a janitor because, holy shit, it was like a fucking landfill over there. Trash was strewn across the floor, tables had leftover "food" on it, if food was sickly colored ick, and the trash cans were overflowing with things that could have never been food in the first place.

Pulling my own hair out while being stabbed in the back would have been less painful then cleaning up the annex.

Spring scrunched up her face with disgust as she picked up with gloved hands something that looked suspiciously like hardened puke, "This is so gross. Like what the fuck is this stuff?"

I felt like laughing and agreeing with her, but I hated her guts as much as she hated mine. She didn't deserve a single goddamn smile out of me, "Whoa, Lord of the Purity Rings actually curses. Never knew you had it in you. I swear, I don't think you're even real right now. What did you do to the real Spring Garcia?"

She gave me a righteous scowl that I never knew kind, preppy girls could ever have done, "Oh, very funny. I'm pretty sure everyone on this Earth have cursed aloud before unless you're mute or a little child."

I shrugged, inspecting my nails out of bordeom as she continued to sweep, the goddamn overachiever, "Well, sorry if that offended you in anyway, but it just seemed like you were that kinda gal that would say "shut the front door" or "son of a business man" or something as ridiculous and childish as that."

Her green eyes flashed, gleaming unnaturally in the sun's light, almost to the point that they seemed neon, "And you don't seem like the type to say "that kinda gal" in a sentence."

I held my hands up in a sign of surrender, "Touché. Got me there, Garcia, got me there. Why don't you take a break? We've got enough time as it is."

She hesitated for a second, eyes narrowing at me. Suspicion was clouding in her green irises. I suppose she had a right to be. After all, I technically did call her a slut with a V card several times swiped who worked at an inappropiate version of Pizza Hut.

"Hey, I don't bite all the time, Garcia. Just when I need to." She didn't move and rather stared at my slouching figure against the wall. I shrugged indifferently, "Fine. Your loss then."

There was a pause before she sighed and threw the broom in her hand to the side. It clattered as it hit the concrete, making Spring jump a little as she strode up to me. She marched up and sat down beside me against the east wall, giving us both enough space to where it wasn't awkward but close enought that we could here each other talk.

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