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Narrator: on the way back to the creek where the other girls where Nyah saw Sydney and told her everything. Wow you passed and got Hannah too. Sydney says sadly. Sydney you know what, you are so good at being a spy you are my new assistant. Nyah says comfortably. Cooooooooooooooooooooool. Sydney says slowly.
Narrator: How surprised Sydney was to be Nyah assistant, Ava was more surprised how honest Sydney was. Sydney told Ava everything. Hey hey, you know how we all most of us have powers. Shauna says. Maybe Sydney has honesty power. Shauna continues. Cool. Sydney says. I would love to have that because then I wouldn't be afraid to tell my mom if I did it or not, and I wouldn't get in trouble, I would get a nice warm hug. Julia explains. The important thing is Elisha and Hannah are back. Now let's go swimming again. Chloe says. YEAH! All the girls says happy.

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