10 years later

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He kidnapped her ten years ago. they met at her parents christmas party. Diana , 21 was loved by everyone she had floorless skin, a heart of gold and everyone looked up at her for advice and tips about practically anything...

Until that night where they met. he whispered into her ear "I've been following you for a year now come with me and don't tell ANYONE!" panacing, she did as he told her and followed him into the bedroom. He took off her clothes and threw her on the floor. " No point screaming no one can hear you!" He yelled as her eyes filled up with tears of terror and pain.

"HELP ME PLEASE!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs but no one heard anything over the loud music. as he threw her around the bedroom diana falls to the floor in exhaustion. He punches her.

Minutes turned to hours.Hours turn into days, and not a single person noticed she was missing..

.a week later...

" She's a grown girl, darling, she can look after herself". Her dad told her mum comforting her, "But she usually phones us to let us know she got home safely , i'll phone her" her mother picked up the phone and dialed Diana's number "Sorry,the person you are phoning is not here right now please leave a message after the beep." The phone was switched off... 

To the parents fright Anne, Diana's mother dropped the phone and collapsed on the floor in histeric's, her father,David, had phoned the police and comforted his wife Anne, she cried for days,

A month went by and the police had given up the search.

Every year on Christmas Diana's family throw the Christmas party to see if Diana would find her way back to them but she never did...

Until, Febuary 2010 she managed to escape the horible beast who had held her hostage and raped her every night, she found her way safely home (so she thought). That night her parents was so happy that their baby girl had come home they through a huge celebration and the rapist,chris,39 had found her. He wasn't invited but that night when Diana was sleeping he went into her room and took her again.

She was screaming and screaming and woke the whole house up. Her parents came to see their babygirl struggling for her life as he held a gun to her head, he yelled "If you come any closer i'll kill her!" They just got her back was they really going to watch her be taken away again?

So they got out of his path as he snatch Diana out of their hands again without making any fuss because they wanted her to be safe and not dead. But David's security guards was waiting outside the gates to pounce and save Diana but it was too late...

As they pounced with guns and horses chris shot her! The loud 'BANG' echo'd in the distance, as did her mothers cries

Chris was murdered that day for killing Diana,31

Diana's mother and father, Anne and David, had a huge funeral for Diana 

Diana is now resting in peace at last after 10 years of pure tourcher

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