Draco Malfoys diaries (harry potter fanfiction)

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Today that filthy mudblood Granger saw me talking to Pansy Parkinson about our last date. She of course teased me. It was embarrassing. Also I fell down a staircase because I saw Lavender Brown staring at me. I just hope my hair looked as good as my mom tells me, because I have a crush on her. I am planning to ask her out tomorrow. I have to go re-gel my hair.

Okay now that my hair is re-geled I can go back to writing. I need to brake up with Pansy. Despite her name she is not a pansy, she is actually quite intimidating. I need to put on the Draco charm to break up with her. Maybe I can get Crabbe or Goyle to date her... or I could send her a note, but that isn't manly. Oh crap here comes Pansy. I'm gonna try and break up with her now.

Ow. My face hurts. When I tried to break up with Pansy she slaped me, luckily you cant see anything on my face. But she did RUFFEL MY HAIR. I absolutley hate it when anyone ruffels my hair because I have to work on my hair for 3 hours. I will write after I gel my hair and practice quidditch.

OMG after quidditch I ASKED LAVENDER OUT. It was awesome. Here is what happened: I was walking back to the castle when Lav-lav ran into me she and I quote said "oh hi Draco you hottie" and right after that I asked her out. she said yes obviously. Crap here comes Goyle.

WOW. I just kissed Lavender. I was walking to the great hall with Crabbe and Goyle when she came up behind me and we snuck off to a broom closet and kissed. I am not sure if kissed is the right word, maybe made out would be better. Oh well the point is that Lav - lav and I are in a relationship. I better go to bed goodnight.

AUTHORS NOTE: If you like my story so far please comment.

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