April 1

774 19 4

April 1 

I can't belive what Hermione Granger did to me. That little snivilling mudblood. I still can't belive what she did. wow. We were standing in the hallway before class. She looked up at me and said "Draco, do you want to be my boyfriend?" I obviously said yes. 5 seconds later Potter, Weasley and little Weasley (Ginny) all jumped out and along with Granger and said April fools day!!! And then it got worse. Weasley got in my face and said: "don't come near my girlfriend again or I will challenge you to a duel. and you will lose." 

Today was a terrible day. I will never, ever do anything remotley close to that ever again, or I will avada kedavra them. I'm serious.  

In other news Crabbe and Goyle found me writing in this earlier but i just told them it was a DADA assignment, even though that's totally implausible. They totally bought it. 

I still miss Lavender. I still am mad and Bellatrix. I'm just mad.

Authors Note: I am really sorry I haven't updated for almost a year I forgot the password to my account and just recently remembered it. Wow over 200 reads that is just amazing!! Please comment some ideas for another diary entry ;) 

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