Chapter 3

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After practice, Camila headed back to her dorm. As soon as she opened the door, she was almost tackled to the floor by a seemingly very excited Dinah.

"A little birdy, a.k.a gossip queen Tracy McAdams, told me that you had visitors from Fordham today?" After Camila regained her composure, she simply shrugged and threw her backpack on the floor.

"Oh no no no... Chancho, you can't pretend that you weren't freaking out. Did you blow their minds with your moves? Oh no... Did you trip?" Dinah seemed to be full of questions, and this time Camila couldn't hide the smile that was slowly, but surely creeping it's way up her lips. She made her way to the couch, that was positioned near the TV, and motioned for Dinah to join her. The Polynesian girl didn't need to be told twice.

"Yeah, it's true; and no, surprisingly I didn't embarrass myself too much." Camila tried her best to play it cool, not wanting to reveal her not-so-subtle crush. She knew that Dinah would freak out if she knew just how close she got with Lauren today.

"Yes, okay. Carry on."

"There's nothing to carry on, that was it. They came, showed us a few moves and left. The end. Finito." The brown-eyed girl held the remote towards the TV and flicked through the channels.

"You're getting on my last nerve here Chanch. Spit it out." She gave the girl a pointed look, and crossed her arms.

Camila thought for a moment, but realised that there's no point in fighting Dinah on this, because at the end of the day, she knows Camila better than anyone else.

"Alright... I might have had a moment with one of the girls." said the brown eyed girl, trying to unsuccessfully hide her blushing.

Dinah raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow, but stayed quiet for the time being, silently signalling for Camila to carry on.

"BUT it doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure she has a girlfriend. It was great to dance with her and all, you know, have her so close to me. We were technically grinding on each other in front of my whole class and my instructor. But it wasn't inappropriate. It was sensual and delicate yet passionate and sexy." Camila explained, throwing her head back on the couch and covering her eyes with her hands, releasing a long sigh.

"First of all, ew." replied Dinah, making a face, thus causing Camila to giggle at her friend's silliness.

"Second of all, if you liked her that much, why didn't you ask if she actually has a girlfriend?"

"I mean, she's gorgeous. Why wouldn't she have one?"

"Well, I know a certain someone who could easily find out for you Chanch." As Camila looked into her friend's eyes, she could make out the mischief. The fact that she had a huge grin on her face also helped Camila realise that she was up to no good.

"Oh no, Dinah, no. You won't even go near her. I've embarrassed myself enough already."

"Come ooon Mila, you're no fun! It's not like I'd go up to her and be like 'Heeey person-I've-never-seen-before-in-my-entire-life, my friend who technically had sex with you in front of her entire class would love to share a few- actually no, a lot of sweet lady kisses with you." Dinah couldn't help but laugh when Camila glared at her. Her smart remark earned a quite strong shove from the brunette.

"Is there even a point in me trying to fight you on this?" asked Camila, sighing in defeat.

"Uhm... Nope, absolutely not. So, next Friday I'm joining you and your mysterious crush in your class." replied Dinah, with a sense of finality in her tone.

"Alright. Whatever." Camila shrugged, and turned to face the TV. Dinah just smiled, and got up from the couch to make her way to the bathroom. Before she closed the door behind her, Camila spoke up.

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