Im back

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I layed there almost lifeless. As my vision began to blur, I didn't get weaker I got strong as My wife my lover came back I knew she wasn't dead. Then her eyes turned white and she turned into blue fire. And flew up in the air.

Prod:Thats impossible she was a human first
Prince:This is not real
Ray:Wasnt she a human first
Roc:No she isn't she was human first

Then she flew up in the air with her hair moving around and I turned my head to notice. Mia on fire but it was red. Aria's was black. And Sunny was blue. There fire shot up to Erika to see that she was on fire but Erika was white. She looked at UC and aimed her hand at him and it happened so fast. And im talking about how she made him hit the wall. She dropped down and walked closer to him. She grabbed a pole and hit him in his face and continued to hit him.She then dropped her pole and crouched down.

Erika POV

I crouched down to tell him something but was interrupted by Diggy grabbing my hand and pushing me up against the wall. I did exactly what i did to Roc when I met him. I kicked his ass around the room. Then I kicked the fuck out of his nuts. I hit the floor. Then stood in the middle of the room in the center as a spotlight shined apon me. I then felt someone tell me something in my ear"Mommy will always love you. You are now the altimate vampire of time". My eyes turned red. I ripped my top off and tied it around my waist. I went back over to UC but he wasn't there. I felt a breeze come along my back and heard someone aiming for me. I turned around and punched the fuck out of him I saw that it was UC.

"What kind of a of breed of nigga are you to kidnap my sisters. Just because you couldn't have your way to have me. And no one puts there hands on my Husband, You will get ghost in this mother fucker, So its time you go to where you belong".

I sat him up and opened his mouth and blew fire into his mouth and his head blew off his body. I felt hungry so I ate him.I wiped my mouth and I saw the boys and my sisters with they're mouths open. I said walking towards them.

Erika:What n*Gets kissed*
Roc:*Kisses her passionately*
Erika:*Depends the kiss*
Roc:*Picks her up bridal style*
Erika:I missed you
Roc:I missed you too
Mia:Heyyy sis
Erika:Hey yall*Gets put down*
Prod:You are the altimate vampire
Erika:Yes I am
Sunny:This must be a dream
Ray:I can wake you up
Roc:Hey baby whats with the bump in your stomach
Erika:Huh*Looks down*Oh god
Erika:Say hello to your little girl
Roc:Yes I got another one on the way
Mia:Im gonna be another auntie
Sunny:So am I
Aria:Dont forget me, Oh I almost forgot Prince
Prince:What is it
Aria:Im pregnant
Prince:Hold up*Faints*
Prod:Hahaha Prince man get up and quit acting so stupid
Prince:Ok*Gets up*
Sunny:Ray im pregnant with twins
Ray:I understand 1 but 2
Roc:I bet he was knockin them ankles loose
Ray:Show the hell was
Erika:Well lets go

We walked out of the building as Roc held my waist. Rubbing my stomach. It tickled as I was holding his hands. As everyone got in the car. I sat on Rocs lap and Aria sat on Princeton's, Sunny sat on Rays. Mia and Prod sat in the front. Then Prod started the car and he drove off.

I sat there in Rocs lap looking out the window. At this place I then remembered this place. My mother fought here for me me and my sisters gave my mom the power to do that. All that fire that sprung out of this place but I know one thing ill be back here I will.

I felt someone running behind the car on such light feet it was Diggy I jumped out the sun roof and saw him running from whats behind him.

I couldn't believe my eyes it was UC he was still alive. I know what I have to do. I jumped off the top of the car and stood there. He was walking towards me holding his head in his hand. I stood there as Diggy ran pass me. I saw him stop infront of me. And he said the last 3 words i've never heard him say before"Im terribly sorry". I couldn't bare to think for a second as he hit the floor.
I saw Roc jump out the car and run to me. He walked me back to the car. I could feel my spirt realese the deeps from my mouth. I was sanging it was this song.

Gravity By Deitrick Haddon

" trying to make it to heaven, stuck on the moon, a beautiful love is from this point of view. So much evil back on the ground gravity keeps on bringing me down".

I saw Roc holding my hand as I was sanging. Prod was sanging too. My eyes began to change color and when my eyes turned orange. I feel happy and excited because of the family I have and the love I earned I wouldn't want anything better. But my name is Erika and this is my story.

Hey yall its been a while. I mean I have a little girl her name is Susanna. And C.J has been naughty as usual. Mia and Prod are having another one and its a boy. Elizabeth has been very good and smart. Aria and Prince have a little boy. His name is J.J. His name is that because he's named after Prince duh. And Ray and Sunny has there twins 2 girls and they both look like Sunny but got Ray's long hair. This is how we are today. But the boys are not in the group. Prodigy is his own person. Ray is an rapper. Roc is a sanger and Prince is a song writer. Thats us now but they wont ever forget MB.

Hey yall this is the last chapter of this book I hope yall enjoyed it and if yall like vote comment follow. ✌and .

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