Chapter 9

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"Wait!" Ben hissed, putting his hand out to stop Evetta from entering the access door into the lower bay. "Let us go first."

"There are only two heat signatures showing," Hanine whispered back, pointing to the tablet in her hand. "Evetta and I can take care of them."

"No." Ben shook his head emphatically. "Aaron and I will take care of them. You and Evetta get to the transport and get it ready. We must leave in a hurry. You know how to operate the transport, we don't."

"Be careful," Evetta whispered. "Kill them. It is the only way. If you do not, they will kill you or notify the others."

"Don't worry about us," Aaron responded. "Just be ready to leave as soon as possible."

Hanine ran her fingers along Aaron's jaw. "I will shut down the environmental systems just before we depart. This will cause mass confusion. I've also set a disruptor to shut down communications, but it will only last for about thirty seconds. This will be long enough for us to depart," she explained before brushing a light kiss across his lips. "Be careful, my husband."

"Give us time to release the locks on the transport before you lower the platform," Ben murmured in a low voice. "Let's go, Aaron."

Hanine waited a few seconds, watching as the two men disappeared into the bay, before she turned to Evetta. "Are you ready?"

An expression of resignation swept across Evetta's face when she realized that Hanine planned on teleporting them. She nodded as the unfamiliar tingling washed over her again. She really should ask Hanine where she learned to use a teleporter. As far as she knew, only the Valdier, Sarafin and Curizan races had mastered that technology.


Ben and Aaron hid behind a large storage container and scanned the area. Ben held up his hand and motioned to Aaron before he began moving slowly around one side of the container. Aaron gave his brother a sharp nod and worked his way around the other side. The two security personnel had separated and were methodically searching the lower repair bay. Ben was thankful this area was used solely for storage and to repair damaged shuttles or battle transports. It did not require a large amount of personnel to maintain it.

It was obvious from the way the two warriors were dressed that they were not part of the normal crew. They wore a different uniform than he had never seen before. He paused when the warrior that he was stalking turned around and paused, as if sensing he wasn't alone. Ben pressed back into the shadows and waited. He hoped that the male didn't have the same technology to detect heat signatures that Hanine did. He released a silent sigh of relief when the man turned away again.

His eyes swept the area around the transport. They needed to pull the release pins on the two clamps holding the transport in place. It was bolted down to prevent it from shifting if something were to happen to the Disappearance. Ben turned his eyes back to the male who was walking under the transport's left wing.

Gripping the knife he held in his left hand, he silently sprinted the short distance between them. He struck the guard as the man turned, catching him in the side while his right hand grabbed the male's left hand. He pulled the guard's arm up and jerked the pistol the male was holding away from him. The guard yelled out in pain as the blade pierced him. His finger closed in reflex on the trigger of the laser pistol, firing upward into the air.

Ben swiveled around, drawing the blade across the male's stomach as he twisted the man's arm behind him. The pistol clattered loudly as it hit the metal floor of the repair bay. Sweat broke out over Ben's forehead as warm blood flowed over his hands from the deep wound. The guard's fingers blindly searched for Ben's arm, but Ben had already withdrawn the blade and slid it across the man's throat.

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