Jessica's Reality

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[Chapter One]

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, 5:30. First day of school and I need a head start on everything. I get up and walk to the bathroom. I look into the mirror. I can see bags under my eyes because last night's shift. I hate working, but I have responsibilities to take care of. Bills to pay. 3 Brothers and 3 sister that depend on me to handle everything.

I put some music on. Jessie J fills my ears. I get into the shower. It feels amazing to feel the steaming hot water falling against my throbbing body. I sigh in relief. I wash up quick and get ready for school. Fitted black v-neck, blue jeans, and my converse. I through my damp hair up in a ponytail. I pack my work clothes and take my duffle bag to my car. It's not the best car, but it runs and that's all I need! I go back inside and pack lunches for the kids.

It's the twins, Alex and Adrian's, first day of kindergarden. They are four years old. Sam's eight, she's going to second grade. Regina's, Gina, is going to eighth. She'll be fourteen next month. Baby Marie is one and a half. Justin is eighteen. He works and helps out sometimes. I'm sixteen. I got two jobs and all AP classes in school. My father's in jail for rape and murder. My mother is a drug addict and alcoholic. I am what holds my family together.

I checked Justin's room first. "Justin." I called . No answer. "Justin!" I called a little louder. Still no answer. I open the door, he's not here. "Damn it Jay! You promised. I can't count on you for ANYTHING!" Anger and hurt filled my voice. I slammed the door knowing this is gonna be a long morning.

Gina and Sam shared a room. I woke them up next. I shook Gina and called "Gina, babe! Get up, its your first day of school!" I tried to sound excited ... It doesn't work. 

"Jessica, I don't wanna go!" She says as she rolls over. 

"Gina! Get your lazy butt in the shower now!" She doesn't move. "I'm going to through water on you!"  

"I'm up." She gets up and walks to the bathroom. I walk over to Sam's bed. I kiss her on the forehead. She opens her eyes. " Come on, help me get the babies up. Please?" She smiles and nods her head. Sam is really quiet.

We go down the hall to the babies room. I open the door and they're up already.  

"What are you doing my loves?" I ask.  

"Jess I'm to excited to sleep!" Alex said eagerly. Alex is a little rumbustious. 

"I'm hungry." Adrian added quickly. Adrian is more love able and carefree.  

"When are you not hungry?" I asked jokingly. "Eggs Or Pancakes?"  

"Both! With bacon!"  

Sam laughed. "Adrian, you eat to much." 

"Come on, get ready for school and I'll make breakfast." We all got up and started to do our morning routine. I grabbed Marie and took her to the kitchen with me. As I walk to the kitchen I bang on the bathroom door, "Gina get out already."  

"Kay..." The shower shuts off.

The smell of the food fills the house. "Smells good ..." I turn around. My mom was sitting at the table. A cigarette between her lips and a glass of booze in her hand. 

"I'm surprise your home." I try hide the bitterness in my voice. 

"This is my house!" Her words slurred more and more with every drink she took. I laughed, not a funny type laugh but an angry laugh. 

"I don't need this shit!" She yelled, slamming he glass on the table. 

"YOU?! What about me? I'm working six days a week to take care of your responsibilities! I'm sixteen! I don't ... I SHOULDN'T have to do this. Maybe when you get your shit together you can say 'You don't need this shit'." I didn't know I was yelling until I felt the migraine and adrenaline afterwards. I also didn't notice the kids standing in the doorway. I rub my head for a few seconds. Marie started to cry because of all the yelling. I grabbed Marie and bounced her till she stopped. "Babies finish getting ready. I'm sorry!" They looked at me with their sad, angry eyes. Each one turned and left the kitchen. I put Marie back in her chair.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2013 ⏰

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