Chapter two : Weird process

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AN: SORRY I TOOK DOWN AND PUT BACK UP !!! 2nd chapter whoop woop

Chapter two : Ellie's p.o.v

The interview process is something I will always find incredibly weird . By the time the interview had finished I was a sweaty speechless mess . I met up with sky immediately after and she was bouncing with questions to ask me .

"So are you gonna tell me how'd it go ?!" She asked as we sat down at a table for lunch .

I was still a little frozen.


"I-I got it." I mumbled .

"What?" She replied .

"I got the job ." I said finally looking at her breaking out in a grin

. "Congratulations tell me what happened?"

"Well she was nice kinda intimidating, she said I was her last interview of the day." "Then we just talked and she got a call and she said ow dude ." I said she had slapped me as almost trying to hold back from saying something .

"What'd she say ?" She asked .

"I was getting there she said she'd see me Tuesday for my first training 4pm-7pm." I said .

"I'm so proud of you are you gonna call your parents ." She asked hesitantly .

"I mean I know they'll have to know eventually but right now I don't know if it's the right time and it's not like it's gonna effect them and knowing them they'll disapprove ." I said sipping on ice water .

Hi what can I get you ?" A waiter came up . He was handsome black hair slicked back with blue eyes . He looked up from his notepad and his eyes widened when he saw Sky who was still looking at the menu . "I'll have a chicken salad ." She said looking up her reaction mirroring mine .

"Umm I'll have the same ." I said raising my eyebrows .

"Uh- yeah it'll be right out ." He said before scurrying away . I opened my mouth to speak but Sky lifted her hand ,

"Don't ask ."

Monday mornings are the worst and were problay invented by satan. I was up studying for physics all night and my nerves were jittery due to excitement. I went to the restrooms cleaned myself up and got dressed

Most days Sky and me car pooled . In the morning Sky was deadly . When we arrived at school she mumbled about having to talk to her psychology teacher . As I walked in I said casual greetings to a few people I knew . And started making my way to A.P Lit.. Oh joy
Walking into class I immediately sit in the second row . Our class consisted of mainly seniors with the exception of a few juniors me included.

The only person I recognized didn't recognized me that would be Britney Grant . She was the prime example of the stereotypical mean girl blonde hair, blue eyes , and bitchy attitude. The teacher walked in and I immediately looked away and paid attention .

Today seemed to drag on and on by the time lunch came . Sky was back to normal.As we made our way to the cafeteria Sky ranted about how stupid her teacher was for not agreeing with her . I drifted off thinking about anything .. Until I bumped into someone and my backpack fell off ,

"oh crap sorry ." I reached down to get my bag but someone beat me to it .

As I looked up it was him again . "You really need to pay attention more ." He said with a chuckle .

"Sorry again ." I said before brushing past him .


By the time school was out I was jumping up and down with excitement . We got out at 3pm so I decided to head straight there . Once I got there from riding with Sky . I was greeted by Ashley again,

"Hey Ellie !" She shouted causing everyone to look .

"I heard you got the job !" She said .

"Hey Ashley do you know where I can find Martha ?" I asked .

"She should be in the back ."

"Umm okay thanks ." I said unsure. I headed to the back and spotted her right away ,

"Hello Ellie ready for 4 hours of training ?"

AN: ahh vote comment vote comment

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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