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Leafmon1995: I don't own digimon or any of its characters.

Ken: Unfortunately.

Takeru: If she did we would all be in trouble.

Daisuke: You're just saying that because you are not in this one.

Takeru: Shut it!

Leafmon1995: Enjoy

I Will Never Leave You

Ken was sitting on his desk, like he did everyday. A small picture was in front of him. The picture was smaller then the one of his brother, but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered anymore.

Ken stared at the small picture. The picture showed him holding his digimon. It was a Christmas present from Daisuke. He looked so happy than, but not now. Ken could never be happy again. Wormmon was gone. He was not coming back. And that hurt the most of all. Ken realized that he did not care anymore. Ken was here; Wormmon was not. It was as simple as that.

Ken could not stop this pattern he found himself in, the constant pattern of staring and hurting. From the start of the day Ken goes to school and then comes home. When he comes home he does homework and then stares at the small picture for the rest of the day. There were at times were he didn't eat at all. His parents panicked when the school sent him home when he passed out from not eating. They were upset, yes, but they never punished him or yelled at him for his actions.

His parents knew that he was not eating because of what happened. He was depressed. That's what the doctor said and nothing they did helped him get out of it. They should stop trying though. Nothing they do will help. Over the past five months Ken has stopped all communication with the other Chosen Children or anything with the Digital World in general. They didn't need him anymore, nor did the Digital World. He was Digimonless. He was useless. Ken died when Wormmon died. Why should they care?

Yet they keep trying. They call the house, but he did not answer. They email him, but he did not reply. A couple of times, Daisuke appeared at the school. He waited until Ken got out and walked home with him. Daisuke tried to get him to talk or to at least get him to come to the Digital World. But Ken did not talk; he did not listen to his friend. Ken felt dead inside.

Daisuke did this everyday for the past four and a half months. Why he kept doing it was beyond him? Ken didn't want to be reminded of his loss. Daisuke always had DemiVeemon with him. Every time Ken saw him, every time he squeaked a hello, Ken's heart would break.


Yes, that what he was. He was simply a broken shell of himself.

When Ken lost Wormmon the first time, he promised he would be the kind person that he is. In return, Wormmon, no Leafmon, said that he would never leave him; that they would be together, forever.

Fate was against him. Just like when fate took his brother, it took his friend, his other half, the piece of his soul.

Yes, he was broken and it was all Daemon's fault.

Ken sobbed as he remembered what happened that day, five months ago. It would forever be the day that Ken Ichijouji died for a second time.

It happened three months after they defeated MaloMyotismon. On that day Gennai called them about Daemon escaping the World of Darkness. Ken freaked out when he heard this, but bottled up his fears because Daemon was attacking the Digital World. The other Chosen Children didn't seem to notice that he didn't want to go. They were preparing and planning what to do. The Older and the Younger Chosen all made plans on how to defeat Daemon once and for all. They didn't notice how terrified Ken was on the inside, except Daisuke that is. Daisuke tried to comfort him and tried to get him out of the front lines.

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