Chapter 2 - Thoughts on Paradise

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*Louis POV*
To be perfectly honest I didn't get much sleep last night, I was too excited for this holiday, I've been wishing for Simon to do something like this, but I never thought that he would.
Never would I have thought that he would just cut us out of the media, away from all the stress and attention, but I was wrong he has done and it feels fucking amazing , to think that for the next two months I'm not going to have to worry about somebody watching my every move, someone judging me for my mistakes that they have sat and waited for me to make.

I'm so excited!

As I opened my hand luggage to pack what i needed to take for the journey like snacks and a book (since i was too lazy to do it last night)

When I had finished sorting out things to amuse me, I walked over to the living room and collapsing onto one of the sofas waiting for the other lads to finish getting ready.


*Niall POV*

When I woke up this morning after a surprisingly good sleep considering how excited i am for this holiday. I slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and, looking over at the clock to see how long I had to get ready, seeing as i had a little over an hour until we had to leave i lied back down, and thought about what was going to happen over this trip.
i had the time to do this because i actually sorted my stuff out last night, unlike i know that Louis and Zayn haven't because they are never prepared, and always do things last minute, I may be care free but i like to make sure i haven't forgotten anything.

Letting my thoughts drift to the trip, i realised that i had no idea what was going to happen, I hadn't had a proper conversation with the lads in ages, all we ever talked about was stuff to do with work or complaining how tired we were.

All the non stop moving and travelling from one country to another, with all the different time zones messing up my eating and sleeping habits, on some days we would be awake for nearly Two days straight and not even realise until we had to wake up the next morning and notice how much sleep we actually had. Then on other days we would take off at night in one country, travel through the day, never mind what people say about, how they never feel tired when the travel its a load of bullshit, there is no way one can last a 10 hour airplane ride and not sleep through some of it and we would land in the other, at night time. Our bodies were messed up from the constant change and things not been consistent.
It just wasn't fun any more.
That is why I'm looking forward to this break because, I hate the constant tension between us all, the way that, the lads hold back from saying things and, we are all much quieter.
I really hope this brings us closer, I want my best friends back.
"C'mon Niall were setting off in 5, get your ass out of bed," Liam screamed at me.
"I'm coming calm down no need to shout," I mumbled back.
"Your impossible," Liam grumbled as he turned and stalked out of the room, what crawled up his ass and died? I slid out of bed and I mean literally I ended up on the floor, and grabbed my bag and headed for the living room, for another session of awkwardness.
*Harry POV*
I woke up to people moving around in the room next to me. Opening my eyes I groaned as I adjusted to the light that was streaming through the open curtains. I rolled over onto my side facing my nightstand to check how much time i had, left and if I could get away with having 5 more more minutes sleeping, it was disappointing when i found out that i only had half an hour until liam told us that we were setting off, i didn't want this break to start badly just because i was late since i couldn't drag my arse out of bed.
I unlocked my phone and scrolled through Twitter while I gathered the energy to actually get out of bed, whilst I scrolled I thought about what Simon had said last night.
To be perfectly honest I'm over the moon about it it's been horrible seeing us boys drift apart right in front of my eyes they are like the brothers I never had and it pained me every time there was an awkward silence. It is going to be great to reconnect and resume taking the piss out of everyone.

With that in mind I stretched in bed, not getting out and standing up like normal people do i did this weird thing where i make myself as long as possible and it turns out to be a demented banana shape, but i don't have to remove myself from the comfort of the bed to do so and it does the job so im going to carry on doing it.

Anyways, I stood up and trudged to the bathroom to splash some water on my face to try and wake me up. I was too tired to shower, since that requires effort, i just settled with a refreshing splash of ice cold water.
Don't you just love, washing your face in the morning, making you even colder then you were before and, wetting all your clothes.
Note the sarcasm.
I dried my face with the towel and brushed my teeth then strolled back to my room to get dressed into the clothes I had set out the night before. I had chosen a loose white shirt, paired with black skinny jeans and a black jacket, I also added a dark blue beanie to finish it off.
I ran my fingers through my hair to attempt to make it fit under the beanie. Quickly jogging to the bathroom to retrieve my toothbrush and hair gel, I put them in my now packed bag zipped it up and picked it up and walked into the living room.
I was greeted by Niall and Louis lied on the 2 sofas so I walked over to the one Louis was sat on, since Niall hates being moved once he is comfy, and pushed his legs off and sat down, his bare feet were quick to return to their original position this time resting on my lap.
Not that I minded it is not like I hated him, it was a regular occurrence.

*Liam's POV*
I woke up to the annoying sound that is my alarm clock, I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the light coming through the crack of my curtains that I failed to close last night.
I sat up, stretched and made my way to my wardrobe to get my clothes for the day, before heading to the bathroom to do my normal daily routine of, taking a quick shower, drying off, I put on the clothes I had picked.
I then moved towards the mirror and towel dried my hair as much as possible and styled it into a small quiff. As I rubbed my stubble realising that i really needed a shave, but not having the time.
I walked out of the bathroom and sat on my bed next to my packed carry on bag and started to think about this surprise holiday.
To be perfectly honest I haven't quite wrapped my head around it yet. I understand that our lack of rest had been affecting our performance, but I never thought that this would happen.
People don't think that we work hard just because we are 'famous' you try and get up and half 4 every morning, be constantly away from home and loved ones.
Believe me it ain't fun
Don't get me wrong I love it and wouldn't change it for the world but we just need some time off. Don't take it the wrong way and think we don't love you, we do with all our hearts.
You understand right?
My head snapped towards my phone that was blaring out ATL signalling that I needed to go and make sure that all the other lads were actually up and we weren't going to be late.
I stood up and stretched, grabbed the handles of my little carry on and walked out of my door and made my way to Niall's room to make sure he's up.
Let's be real we all know I have a soft spot for the little leprechaun.

Zayn's POV
I was rudely awakened by rolling out of my bed and onto the floor.
What a wonderful way to wake up right?
I groaned and lifted myself off the floor. I dragged myself over to my wardrobe and picked out some clothes to wear. I decided it would be a good idea to shower last night so I didn't have to do it this morning.
I changed out of my pjs and into a plain white t shirt and black skinny jeans i ran my hand through my hair into a perfect mess.
As I was too lazy to do it last night I threw a bunch of books, paper and pencils to amuse me on the plane zipped up my bag and lied back down.

I am honestly so confused. i genuinely have no idea why management decided to let us have a break, but i think it has something to do with the fans, because i've noticed that there has been a few trends like #give1dabreak and #let1dsleep.

i am very grateful and quite annoyed at the same time i'm grateful because we have finally gotten a well deserved break but on the other hand i'm pretty annoyed as i thought we did a pretty good job of hiding our tiredness from the fans but apparently not.

I'm actually buzzing for this holiday.
I snapped out of my thoughts with a angry Liam banging his fists on the door and yelling "ZAYN GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE"
"COMING," I yelled back like a teenager would do to a mother.
I dragged my feet over to my bag, picked it up and walked out of my bedroom, checking the room to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything important.
I closed my bedroom door and joined the others who were just about to walk out of the door to paradise.
I haven't updated in 1727368272 years. I'm so sorry schools being a bitch and I've got mocks coming up.
Don't forget to

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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