mewrmewrmewr's Dare Part 1

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I dare vikklan, poofless, and merome to play a dirty truth or dare... ;) I have weird problems...SORRY NOT SORRY

Slender:Jesus Christ! XD

Ary:Holy shit!

Jade:mewr what the fuck?!

Mewr:I had too!!!!

Slender:Ok then. Merome, Poofless, and Vikklan come here!!!

The 3 ships:What?!

Slender:Dare time! The dare is that you guys play truth or dare but it has to be dirty. Ugh! And while you guys play truth or dare me and the others will play truth or dare. Bye!

Jerome:Alright who wants to start

Preston:oh me! Vikk truth or dare

Vikk:um dare?

Preston:I dare you to wear your maids dress

Vikk:*wears dress* Mitch truth or dare


Vikk:I dare you to call Jerome master

Mitch:fuck! Rob truth or dare


Mitch:I dare you to fuck Preston


Preston:*blushes madly*

Mitch:Ask slender for a speed potion


Mitch:to make the sex faster

Rob:ok. Hey slender can you give me a speed potion?

Slender:sure! *spawns potion and throws it at rob*


*after Poofless happens*

Rob:Jerome truth or dare


Rob:I dare you to suck Mitch dry

Jerome:Jesus! Mitch!

Mitch:yes master?

Jerome:come here

Mitch:ok *walks over to Jerome*

Jerome:*makes many many many hickies on Mitch*

Mitch:ah~ m-master please s-stop

Jerome:just let it happen

*a few hickies later*

Jerome:Preston truth or dare


Jerome:tease rob


Jerome:no buts now go



Preston:come here


Preston:*pulls him closer till they're only a few inches away*

Rob:La-Lava P

Preston:shhh *moves one of his hand up and down his sides*


Preston:I'm done I'm so done!

Rob:*whispers into Preston's ear* you're gonna get punished

Preston:plz no! Lachlan truth or dare


Preston:you have to touch Vikk in places to make him moan

Lachlan:oh god! Vikky!!


Lachlan:*holds him by the waist*


Lachlan:*touches the booty* (does she have the booty? she dooooo!)

Vikk:Ahh!!! What the fuck?!

Lachlan:*palms him through the dress*

Vikk:mmm~ L-Lachy


Vikk:dare I'm guessing?


Mitch:let's go check the others!

The 6 boys:*go to the others*

(What did they see? Find out what happened on the next episode of dragon ball z!!! What am I doing with my life?)

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