Chapter 25

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"I can maybe answer that," Tommy said. "When we went in, there was very little light. We saw your dad but I didn't recognize him. He was sleeping so I watched him while Dev searched for the kids. They came out and the baby was asleep. She woke up and started crying and Eliot tried to cover her mouth but your dad woke up and fired his gun at the first adult he saw which happened to be Mike. I know he didn't have time to realize it was Mike."
Beth nodded. She was still angry but Tommy's answer made her feel better. "I wish no one had gotten hurt but I'm just thankful my kids didn't get hit. That would have killed me and I know it would have killed my dad," Beth replied.
"I would have gladly taken another bullet if it meant the kids were safe. Jim would take a bullet for my daughter. I'm glad Thompkins is doing well but I'm sure he feels the same way," Tommy said.
Beth nodded again. "I'm sure Jim is just glad it was Mike. He's probably really pissed that the bullet didn't kill him."
John leaned forward onto his desk. "Beth, we've known Jim for close to thirty years. You have been number one in his heart for most of that time. He's an ass but he loves you. I swear he does. He would gleefully lay down his life for you or any of his kids. I honestly don't know what's gotten into him. This whole thing has nothing to do with Mike. He would never want Mike dead if he knew it would hurt you."
Beth sighed. "Whatever. It is what it is. If he wants a divorce, he's getting a divorce. Hey, do you guys think my mom knew about my dad?"
John laughed. "Go home, kid. Get some sleep. The house should be nice and quiet."
"At least until Dev gets there," she agreed.
"I'll call him. He can stay with me," Tommy offered. "We all need sleep."
"Promise me you'll get some sleep," John demanded. "I can't handle any more all-nighters for awhile."
"I need to check on Mike but sleep sounds amazing," she said as she stood from her chair. "Dmitry drove Mike's vehicle here. I'll take the Soviets back to the hotel, swing by the hospital, and head home. Night, guys."
Later that night, after she was satisfied that Mike was in good hands, she curled up on the couch to compartmentalize her thoughts. She was trying to decide if the two surviving sleeper agents were a threat when there was a knock at the door. She got up to find a somewhat disheveled Dmitry behind the door. "Everything ok?" she asked.
"Can I stay here tonight? I am desperate for sleep and my mom will not stop talking," Dmitry answered.
Beth laughed and let him in. "Sure. Oh hey, that Stavros guy?" she said as she closed the door.
"Mhmm. What about him?" asked Dmitry as Beth reclaimed her spot on the couch.
"He's my dad. I knew him to be Alex Barrett. The CIA faked his death to keep from being tied to anything he might be getting ready to do. I'm also nearly certain he's the ghost."
Dmitry sat down in a chair. He looked contemplative and didn't speak for a moment. "Interesting that he chose the name of Alex. Our other Alex was jealous of him. I can remember my mom telling me how they vied for your mother's affection. She chose your dad and I'm not sure the real Alex ever forgave her. I guess your dad took the name as a jab against him. Alex Bazarov went after Irina next. Irina was crazy about him but the rumor was that Irina scared the hell out of him. I know the intel said that he was killed by the American CIA agent but I wonder if he put that rumor out just to get away from her."
"I wonder if my mom knew my dad was the ghost," pondered Beth.
"What?" she asked.
"You said was. By all accounts, the ghost is still out there."
"Oh. Right. Either way, I don't guess it matters. I'm not all the upset about a bunch of sleeper agents getting killed anyway."
Dmitry chuckled. "Spoken like a true CIA agent."
"Well I am an agent."
"Retired agent."
Beth shook her head. "Since your brother has decided we're getting divorced, I've decided to get back in."
"By the way, I spoke to Jim. He says you're better off with that geek. What's he talking about?"
Beth rolled her eyes. "Can we talk about that later?"
Dmitry stood up. "Of course. I'm exhausted. Get up. You're on my bed."
Beth giggled and stood up. Impulsively, she hugged him. Then she went to bed. As exhausted as she was, sleep would not come. She rolled over and grabbed her phone off the nightstand. She dialed Jim's number.
"Hey," he answered.
"Hey. Are the kids still awake?"
"Paige is asleep but Eliot is refusing to go to bed until you read him a story."
"Let me talk to him," she replied.
"I'm putting you on speaker," he said after a moment. "Kid's fast."
"Eliot," she said.
"Mommy! Come home," he said.
"Mommy is working. You mind your daddy and do what he tells you."
"Ok," he said.
Beth could tell he was pouting. "I love you."
"Love you, Mommy."
"Thanks," Jim said, taking her off speakerphone. "And I love you, too."
Beth scoffed. "You love me but you don't want me."
She heard him sigh. "I do want you but I also want you happy. Even with everything that's happened in the past few days, you're still happier there."
Beth didn't respond. She picked at her sock for a minute and then said, "I'm exhausted. I'll call tomorrow." She ended the call.
Mike woke up in pain. He'd slept through the last time a nurse had checked on him and the pain medication had worn off. He was reaching for the button to call the nurse when he froze. His door was slowly opening. When he'd checked back into the hospital, he'd held back his gun. He reached for it and pointed it at the door.
A man entered the dark room but Mike's eyes were adjusted to the dark. He knew him almost immediately. "Hello, Mr. Barrett," Mike said as he switched on a light behind his bed.
"How're you doing, kid?"
"I've been better. It's not often that you get shot by the love of your life's father."
Alex Barrett shook his head. "I'm really sorry, Mike. I swear if I'd known it was you, I wouldn't have fired. It was stupid anyway. I could have shot one of my grandkids. You guys caught me off guard. I thought it was that psychopath bitch stealing them back."
"You don't have to explain it to me but your daughter is really upset."
Barrett sat down in a chair. "She knows, huh?"
"She knows you're the ghost."
"Great," he said with a sigh. "Is she mad?"
"Confused, I think. Maybe a little angry that you took off and left her alone."
"She's tough. She was eighteen. She didn't need me anymore. She needed you and you left her for the CIA."
"She doesn't know that," Mike revealed.
Beth's father smiled. "I know, I know. Navy Intelligence, wasn't it? It's a nice cover. Assisting us while protecting the country. Not a terrible life. I'm surprised you've kept it back this long. I bet you were surprised that she joined too. Not as surprised as me though. Probably not as angry either. If you kids had just gotten married, our lives would be so much simpler. Oh, and by the way, thank you for not telling her I was alive."
Mike shifted. "Can you do me a favor? Hide in the bathroom. I need pain medicine."
"Not a problem." Alex Barrett went into the bathroom and hid in the shower while Mike called for a nurse.
When the nurse entered the room she said, "Can I help you?"
"I'm in agony. I need something to take the edge off but I don't want it to knock me out," he told her.
"Let me check with the doctor," she said and exited the room.
"She's gone," Mike said.
Alex slipped out of the shower and rejoined Mike. "If my jackass son-in-law saw me, he'd probably have a heart attack. Which is exactly the reason I wish you were him. That way, I'd have shot him and you'd be married to my daughter."
Mike smiled sadly. "If only, huh? I made a huge mistake when I let her go and I've paid for it ever since. When she came back from Europe, I really thought we'd find our way back to each other. God knows I never stopped loving her."
"And instead, my slime ball ex-partner trapped her. I could have killed him when he recruited Christina. I didn't want her to live this life. Look what all it's done to her. She had to change her name and fake her death. Never mind that she's nearly been killed countless times."
Mike nodded. "Of course, if you hadn't left her, she might not have pursued it."
"Watch it, kid. I still have that gun."
Mike laughed. "I don't guess you heard that Jim left her."
Alex shook his head. "I don't know if I should kill him or thank him."
There was a knock on the door. Alex ran for the bathroom. A nurse stuck her head in the door. "I have your medication," she said.
Mike sighed with relief. "Thank you," he said and swallowed the pills. The nurse typed into a computer and left. "All's clear."
Alex Barrett returned and sat down again. Mike stared at him. "What's on your mind, kid?"
"I think you need to see your daughter."

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