Chapter 2

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Kelli's POV
I woke up with the warm sun shining in my face, I slowly opened my eyes and smiled and I frowned, knowing that I had to unpack,
"You up shithead?" My brother said walking into my room fixing his jacket, "no" I said,
"Well mum wants you downstairs" He said,
"Ok" I said, sitting up in my queen bed! I got up and walked down stairs
"You wanted me?" I asked,
"Yes, can you take your brother to the skate board park?" She asked,
"No" I said,
"I wasn't asking I was demanding Kelli" She said,
"Fine, let me get dressed" I said rolling my eye's, I walked back up stairs and went though all my boxes and found a cute outfit to wear.

I walked to the bathroom which was locked,
"Hurry up Max your slow" I said,
"Wait your turn" He said,
"Hurry up or I'm not taking you to the skate park" I said smirking knowing he'll let me in. He groaned and unlocked the door, I walked in and pushed him out,
"Aye Kel" He said banging on the door, "I need to shower" I said,
"Go downstairs" He said, I turned the shower on,
"Sorry shithead, showers already on" I said smirking, knowing that he was probably rolling his eye's. I hopped out of the shower and got ready ?

I opened the door and saw my brother sitting on the ground waiting for me, I laughed
"Your stupid" I said, doing my makeup, "Hurry up I wanna go and make friends" He said,
"Hold up kid I'm older" I said, he groaned and laid on the floor.
"Get up" I said walking over him, grabbing my bag, phone, money and sunny's and walked out of the house my brother walked out behind me, I glanced at the car and walked back inside,
"Mum how am I mean't to get Max to the skate board park?" I asked,
"Walk" She simply said, I groaned and walked back out the house. I can't wait till I'm 16 so I can get a car and drive! "Lets go slow coach" I said walking to the skate park,
"How do you know where were going?" Max asks,
"Good question" I said, I stopped in my tracks and pulled out my phone, I looked up to see a black car pull over a couple of houses down. I remember that car! Oh Shit!
"Max go inside and ask mum where we have to go" I said, he walked inside I kept glancing to my phone and back to the car, The dark brown hair guy got out and walked up the drive way into the house and then the hot guy got out and looked at me I turned around, hoping he doesn't remember me, Please, please, please don't remember me!! I looked back and saw he was already walking towards me, shit!
"Hey Kelli?" He said, UGH, I turned around and he was right behind me, "What do you want?" I asked,
"Nice to see you to" He said with a smirk,
"Are you following me?" I asked,
"No I live next to you buttercups" He said, I felt like vomiting. He took a step closer and I took a step back.
"Go away" I said rolling my eye's, "Billy" The dark brown hair guy said, he turned his head, "
"See you later buttercups he said kissing my check.
"Ew" I said, he rolling his eyes and walked back to the car and drove off thank god! Max walked out and gave me a piece of paper with directions, "Gez thanks" I said rolling my eyes.

After we got to the park Max made a couple of friends called Tyrel, Bob and Parker. There were all really nice and funny then they went off skating I sat on a bench alone just scrolling through instagram,
"Hey" a guy said,
"Hey" I said, he sat down next to me,
"What's your name?"
"Kel yours?",
"Thats nice",
"I haven't seen you around here before?" He asked,
"Yeah I moved here yesterday" I said, "Sweet, what school you going to here?" He asked,
"California high" I said
"I go to that school" He said,
"Cool maybe you could show me around?" I asked,
"Yeah sure or I could just watch you walk around school lost?" He said, "yeah yeah whatever" I said rolling my eyes.
"Kel" Max came running over to me, "Yeah what?" I asked,
"Tyrel fell off his skate board and we think he broke his arm!!" Max said so fast,
"Ok, ok, where is he?" I asked standing up,
"Follow me" He said, I walked over to were Tyrel fell,
"Oh my god" I ran over seeing that there was blood around his head "Zach I'm so sorry but do you have a car?" I asked,
"Yeah" he said, we picked Tyrel put and drove to the hospital, Zacb picked up Tyrel and carried him.

"Anyone please we need a doctor" I yelled out" Three doctors came and nurses, they put Tyrel on the bed and wheeled him away.  We found out that Tyrel was ok and he just needs a couple of stitches and he broke his wrist eww!!!! The doctors called his parents and they were on there way so Zach said he had to go and Max and I are just sitting in the waiting room for Tyrel's parents to arrive.
"Kel you were amazing today, you saved Tyrel's life!" Max said,
"Thank you" I said smiling.  A couple walked
"Where's my baby? Where's my baby?" The mother said,
"That must be Tyrel's parents!" Max said, I nodded and walked put to them, "Hey are you Tyrel's parents?" I asked, "Yes we are" The dad said,
"He's in that room but your not allowed to go in there, I saved your son" I said trying to calm the lady down.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you" The lady said hugging me,
"Your welcome" I said, I told Max to come over and he did,
"Hi I'm Max, Tyrel's new friend" Max introduced his self,
"Nice you meet you young man!" The dad said,
"Are you new here?" The mother asked, "Yes, we moved here yesterday for my dad's new job" I said,
"Thats great and thank you again" She said,
"No worry's" I said and with that I walked out of the hospital with Max. "Um Kel?" Max said,
"Yeah" I said,
"How are we meant to get home?" He asked,
"Oh yeah" I said, I looked around and I had no clue where to go so as smart as I am I pull out my phone and call my mum!

Once I got back home I went to my room and had a shower it was now 8:30pm and I start my new school tomorrow yay!!!! (Note to sarcasm)
I grabbed my pjs and ran to the shower before Max could get there as soon as I shut the door there was banging
"Kel your lucky this time" Max said, I smiled cause I won!

After I put my pjs I walked out, "Bathroom free" I yelled and Max ran to the bathroom making me laugh, Max and I don't look alike because I look more like my mum and he looks more like dad.  I went back to my room and sat on my bed thinking of what to do, I looked around to room and saw my laptop, I walked over and grabbed it then walked back over, ok exercise done! I decided to text my friends!

You've been added to 1 new chat:

Kel225: Hello?

Billy-000: Hey buttercup

Kel225: Go away

Billy-000: Nope

Kel225: How did you even find my ID?

Billy-000: Got my ways buttercup

Kel225 has left conversation

Ugh I hate him! He's a creep, oh I got my ways, what a pervert!!! He can probably see me now, ugh shit head!!

After watching a couple of minutes later Max went to bed because he's only 13 the little brat, I should go to bed but you know how you wanna go to bed but you can't because your not tired that's how I feel right now!! I went back onto netflix's and chose to watch pretty little liars!! I love that show!!  After watching pretty little liars, I'm so tired and I can't wait to go to school, not! I'm terrified! what if they don't like me? What if I'm gonna be a loner? What if I get bullied !! This is gonna be the worst day ever!

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