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James sat staring out of the window, it was raining heavily. He sighed and turned back to the TV. The characters on screen were shouting at each other and since it wasn't even understandable, he simply turned the TV off. "Ughhh" He muttered into his hand, it wasn't even 10 in the morning yet and he was already fed up... Slowly, he rose out of his chair and strode over to the kitchen, the man enjoyed his drink and poured himself a shot of whiskey. He basked in its scent before swallowing it, and returned to wandering around the house, after putting the shot glass back in the sink. Hmm... If Mary was still here... The man looked upwards, eyes closed, golden bangs covering his forehead, and listened to the pitter-patter of the rain outside. "Mary..." He breathed. She's been gone for the last three years, and he'd missed her terribly.

The man opened his eyes swiftly and glanced around him. "Mary!?" He heard his wife call him, but he was alone."Oh..." James walked to the sofa and he threw himself on it, before closing his eyes again. I swear I heard her! It was her voice, clear as day! Well, proberbly not today but still... A single tear streaked down the man's face; he missed his wife. The rain was still pouring down, so there was not really anything he could go and do. Eh, the weather was exactally what was going on in James mind though, clouded over with guilt and sadness... James was just going to get up and return to bed when he heard it. The letterbox rattled as the postman sent the letters through. This was the first time he'd been in months.

The blonde quickly padded over to the front door, eager to see if he'd got anything besides junkmail. A frown filled his once hopeful face as he read through chinese take-away leaflets, mini booklets about things he didn't even know existed and some letters sent to the wrong address... But the man's eyes brightened as he saw the very last thing he held in his hand. It was an envelope, and neatly written across it was... Mary. He gasped in disbelief. Mary, it was Mary!? She was okay! A huge smile spread over his lips and he carefully opened the envolpe as he walked back to the sofa. The whole thing was handwritten in tidy writing, typical of his late wife. But, it couldn't possibly be true... Because, Mary had died.

"In my restless dreams,
I see that town.
Silent Hill.
You promised me you'd take me
there again someday.
But you never did.
Well, I'm alone there now...
In our 'special place'...
Waiting for you...
Is what the letter had read, every single word written with upmost care.

Even though the man knew there was little chance this could be real, this could just be some sick joke for all he knows but... This was a chance he couldn't just ignore. He left the letter on the sofa as he found his jacket in the dining room, an old miletery jacket his father had given him when he was around 15, and brought his boots back to the sofa with his. The folded the letter and left it in one of the inside pockets, along with his wallet and a small picture of Mary he'd carried with him since they're honeymoon. He simply loved that picture of her, she looked so - happy. Silent Hill was a good few miles away however, so he sadly wouldn't make it there today anyway. Still, if he stopped in a bed and breakfast he could be there by this time tomorrow... He quickly brushed a hand through his shortish hair and left the house, straight into his car. The weather had brightened slightly.

The had got into his car when suddenly, the rain had stopped completely. "Huh, it must be a sign..." He joked. He started the engine up and was on his way to Silent Hill within a minute, he had been waiting too long to finally see her again, hold her again after three years... The man's heart aches as he thinks about this, but he quickly lightens the mood by sticking the radio on, its better than having him crying at the wheel. Today, genuine happiness shone in the man's eyes for the first time in years. Please, God, let this be a good day. A couple miles later, and James was singing along to one of his favorite songs when he saw the sign. 'Maine, twenty miles' He grumbled slightly in his head, continuing to sing, about the distance. But still, every mile closer he drove, another step closer to seeing Mary once again, after all this time.

After six more hours, the skies had started to grow black. Even though James could carry on going, he needed a rest, so he'd stopped at a bed and breakfast not far from the main road. Rooms were cheap here, and even if it did look really grimy it would be just fine... He paid for a room and slept less than an hour later, the poor guy was exhausted. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out cold. He was awoken many hours later, in the early hours of the morning, by bright sun fingers poking through the blinds crudely covering the window. He left not too long after he awoke and went straight back to driving to Silent Hill. Its not too far now, only another fourteen miles I think... The sun was barely just breaking over the mountains a distance away and it looked simply breathtaking.

After another hour and a half, he'd finally made it. Well, to the outskirts anyway. Somehow, the whole road was blocked off with metal fencing. "Construction work, I guess" He mumbled, disappointed. James had to abandon the car, but at least it was walking distance away now. James pulled an old map of Silent Hill out of the compartment in the car and stared at it for a while. Memories came flooding back, he remembered this place well. Such happy memories were had here, such happy memories... James then left the map on the passenger seat as he quickly popped into the toilets, on the otherside of the road. Since no one else was around, he left his door slightly open for when he returns. The man walks to the toilets in a leisurely speed and after some light force, opens the rusted door and enters.

I got a letter... *Silent Hill*Where stories live. Discover now