Chapter One: Trouble Surfaces in Skyworld

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I did it Lady Palutena! I really did it!" The lady to which he spoke to giggled and said "Now slow down there Pit, I don't think YOU did anything all alone. It was the combined efforts of all of the brave heroes from across the lands that did it." "Come on, Lady Palutena," Pit said, "Don't be such a downer. Taboo didn't even know what hit 'em! And those shadow bugs?! Piece of cake!"

Lady Palutena had long, green hair that flowed down her entire back. She wore a white robe that was complimented with tons of fine jewelry. She also wore a golden crown modeled after palm tree branches that hid slightly behind her green hair, but still to the point where it was visible. Her white robe had a red stripe that looked almost like a sash around her torso. Her golden-brown sandals could partly be seen as she walked closer to the portal, but was mostly covered by her robe. In her right hand she wore a large golden shield with a blue face that was so clear you could see your reflection inside of it. In her left hand she held a large, blue staff with a blue orb on the top of it that rested on top of two golden crescents on top of the staff. She had tan skin and appeared to be in her mid-20 but her real age is still a mystery.

As for Pit, he wore a white robe with golden accents along the sides of it. He had a red jewel that held the whole thing together that rested on top of his left shoulder. He had a pair of white angel wings on his back and two golden-brown braces on his wrists. He had brown and golden sandals on his feet that went up to his ankles. He had scruffy brown hair that partly hid his golden crown along the sides of his head in the shape of golden palm branches.

Lady Palutena said "Oh Pit, I suppose some things will never change." All of a sudden, her mirror on the wall instantly revealed an image of another boy around the same age as pit flying around. He looked almost exactly the same as him except he had black hair, a black robe and wings. His wings were illuminating in a purple light as he was flying off somewhere. "Look! It's Pitoo!" Pit said. "What in the world is he up to?" Palutena asked herself. Pit pulled out two daggers that had a golden edge on the side of them but a blue interior. "Let me go do some investigating!" Pit said. "I can totally see what he's up to!" After a moment of pondering, Palutena said "Oh alright. You can go. But be careful." She made her staff illuminate in blue light and Pit's wings began to glow in blue and white light, glittering all types of different colors as well. "I'll grant you the power of flight to hunt him down," She said. "But remember your limits; it won't last forever." "Yeah, yeah I got it," Pit said. "Thanks again Lady Palutena! You're the best!"

He jumped out of the room they were in, launching himself straight into the sky. As he was flying, several creatures began to attack him. However, they looked familiar. "Wait a second..." Pit said to himself. "These look like the same creatures in the underworld army! Lady Palutena, can you see this?!" "I can," She replied. "It would appear that our era of peace is coming to an end. Clear the area and find Dark Pit. I have a feeling all of this is connected somehow." Pit joined his daggers together to create one double-bladed staff that magically formed into a bow. He fired a column of blue energy arrows at them, skillfully taking out a whole area of them. "Not a problem!" Pit said full of confidence.

Once he defeated all of the soldiers of the underworld army, he landed. Almost immediately, a purple and black arrow almost struck pit down, but he quickly cut it in half with his daggers. A voice echoed "Ugh, do you ALWAYS have to get in the way?" Pit said "Alright Pittoo, what exactly are you up to?" Dark Pit chuckled. "Like I'd tell you that easily." Dark Pit got in a fighting position and said "You might be able to pound the information out of me, but then again, you're probably too weak to even do that much." Pit got ready to strike and said "We'll just see about that."

The fight was intense, but Pit was able to shoot Dark Pit in the back with one of his honing arrows and follow up with an uppercut strike from his upperdash arm. Dark Pit was stroke down to the floor and Pit held his weapon in front of his head. "It's game over for you," Pit said adamantly. "Now tell me, why is the underworld army on the loose again? And where are you going in such a hurry?" Dark Pit grinned and then chuckled, sending a chill down Pit's spine. "You really are a naïve little angel, aren't you?"

All of a sudden, a large cannon blasted Pit right on his back. He turned around to see a sight he wouldn't soon forget. He was surrounded by a group of infant Koopalings all in clown cars. In the middle however, there was one that stood out from the rest. He looked almost like the fearsome Bowser himself, but in toddler form. He had an innocent, adorable face with a patch of spiky, scarlet hair on his head. His orange-ish body resembled Bowser's complete with a baby bib with a picture of vicious, razor-sharp fangs on it. Pit got back into a fighting stance and said "I won't stand down! Not now, not ever! In the name of Lady Palutena I shall not lose!"

Pit gave it his best effort, but he was just outnumbered. All of the Koopalings gathered around Pit about to blast him all at once with their cannons. His shields were already severely weakened from the battle and he was in no shape to keep fighting them all at once. "There's nothing your goddess can do to save you now." Dark Pit mocked. "You're finished."

Up from the sky, red and blue lasers blasted the Koopalings away from Pit. Once Pit looked up he saw it was none other than the infamous Team Starfox. "It's Fox!" Pit cried. "Good to see ya again," Fox said. He was dressed in dark green clothing with an unzipped gray jacket. Around his neck was a red scarf that was hidden pretty well by his jacket. On his head he wore nothing but a high-tech lens that looked like the lens of a pair of glasses straight out the future that was held on his head by a silver brace that locked on the right side of his face and the crown of his head. He wore a silver and blue reflector on his side and a pocked for his gun to rest in. His boots were red and black, but there was nothing very flashy about them.

"Looks like you could use a hand, Pit." Fox offered. "Let's take these goons out together." "I couldn't agree more," Pit agreed. "Let's get em!"

Once all of the Koopalings were defeated, Dark Pit grunted once again. "It's not over!" His wings began to glow in purple light and he flew off. The Koopalings' clown cars began to fly off and follow him. "Fox, do you have any idea what's going on around here?" "Actually we do," Fox said. Speaking into his headset, Fox said "Falco, this is Fox. Give us a lift will ya?" "Don't tell me how to do my job." Falco swooped up both Pit and Fox in their personal ship, flying off far away from sky world.

Pit asked "Okay, so obviously there's something I'm missing here." "You're telling me," The pilot said. "You never told us there was two of ya. I almost blasted your pretty little wings off there." The Pilot was Fox's trusted comrade, Falco. Falco was dressed almost identically to Fox, which makes sense being they were on the same team. However, Falco chose to dress in red clothing versus green and wore an orange scarf around his neck. He also wore silver, black and red boots. He was obviously a bird with blue feathers and a yellow beak. The rest of their gear was practically the same, except on Falco's eye glass, he also had a microphone attachment installed onto his.

"Yeah it's a long story," Pit explained. "Can we just get back to the part where you guys explain what the heck is going on?" Fox explained "Those things you guys just fought were a group from the mushroom kingdom who call themselves the Koopalings. Their leader is Bowser Jr., heir to the throne of the Koopas." "So....he's Boswer's kid." "Correct," Falco said. "Why they are in Skyworld is still a mystery. But what we do know is they're trying to rally as many allies from across the galaxy for something. And I can bet my bottom dollar his daddy sent him to do the dirty work." "Then I think it's time we give the Mushroom Kingdom a little visit!" Pit said. "Where do you think we're headed to now? Buckle up tight kid, this may be a bumpy ride." "DO A BARREL ROLL!" Pit yelled. "Don't say that." Falco responded. Blasting off full speed ahead, Falco made a full forced launch to the Mushroom Kingdom.

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