Episode 2: Journey into the Mushroom Kingdom

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Once Pit, Fox and Falco safely arrived in the Mushroom Kingdom, Falco landed them right in front of Mario's Castle. After they all hopped out, Falco said "If this is anything like the last time we all joined forces, something tells me it won't be long until our enemies begin to target us again." "My only question is why? They see how badly things turned out last time, so why would they go and start messing everything up again?" "Some questions we'll never have the answers to Pit," Fox answered, "But it's our job as the good guys to keep everything in order, no matter what it takes. Right now we have to go inform Mario on what the heck is going on. If we plan far enough in advance, we have a pretty good chance to make an effective counter-strike.

They all stepped inside the castle to find that the whole place had been overrun by Koopa's and Goomba's. "Looks like someone beat us to the punch." Falco observed. "Not a problem!" Pit said as he pulled out his weapons. "Looks like we'll just have to fight out way to Mario!" Fox drew his gun and began to fire at the monsters, creating a clear path for them to travel down. "Now that's what I like to hear. Let's get em boys!"

Fox, Falco and Pit were able to fight their way up to the throne room. Once they arrived there, they saw Mario duking it out with Bowser. Bowser charged into Mario with a drop kick with both of his feet aiming at Mario, but Mario was able to repel his back with his F.L.U.D.D device on his back. He proceeded to stun Bowser with some fireballs and followed with an intense palm strike with his hands covered in fire. Bowser was able to match his strength with a punch from his mighty fist. However, Bowser was much stronger than Mario, so his blow launched Mario into the castle wall. Bowser tried to finish Mario with a boiling hot flamethrower attack, but Pit yelled "Stay back!" He summoned his Guardian Orbitars, which reflected the flames back at Bowser. Pit, Fox and Falco quickly ran to Mario's side. "Don't worry Mario," Pit said as he got ready to fight. "We've got your back."

Together, they were all able to take down Bowser. Bowser recognized his defeat and jumped out the window. The Koopalings came to his aid and grabbed them with pinchers that expanded out of the Clown Car, carrying him away. Pit said "I won't let you guys escape again!" He transformed his weapon into a bow and arrow and fired an arrow composed of pure light at Bowser. One of the Koopalings that wasn't carrying Bowser shot a cannon at the arrow, negating the attack all together. Then then let out a wind-up like toy on the ground, which crawled towards Pit and his gang. Once it was in range, it exploded on them. Once the explosion cleared, Bowser and the Koopalings were gone.

"Where do you think they're heading to?" Pit asked. Mario pointed out the window. He was pointing in the direction of Princess Peach's castle. "Oh no, they're going after Peach now!" Pit said. Fox said "Falco, get in the Arwing and get to that castle as fast as you can. We'll catch up with you as soon as we can." Pit asked "Why don't we all just fly there so we can get there as fast as possible?" Fox replied "Look at the land, kiddo. This place is infested with Bowser's army. I'm sure Falco can hold his own in the castle for a bit until we get there. Isn't that right?" "You betcha," Falco answered. "You kids get movin'. I got this." Falco jumped out the window as he pressed a remote in his hand. He performed a backflip as the Arwing landed underneath him. He closed the hatchet to the cockpit and flew straight to Princess Peach's castle." Fox pulled out his gun and said "Alright boys, let's get a move on!"

Pit, Fox and Mario bravely fought their way through the hordes of Bowser's army. However, halfway to Peach's Castle, Mario noticed that his beloved Pet, Yoshi was being attacked by an evil monster. The monster was a chrome black with the only pit of color on it was its menacing, yellow glowing eyes. It was molded in the form of a fat jester, who even wore a jester hat on its head, although it appeared to be a part of his body. It had a checker pattern all around it torso, which would probably represent its shirt if it was real. His chrome black shoes resembled a clown's shoes and it even wore a pair of chrome black gloves. The monster was at least 13 feet high, towering over Yoshi as he struggled to throw eggs at it and combo it with melee attacks from its tail.
Mario pelted the monster with a storm of fireballs, following with a direct blow to the face with a fiery palm. Pit ran to Yoshi's side and said "We got your back, little buddy!" Everyone else came to Yoshi's side and aided him in his fight against this monster.

Once the monster was defeated, the monster began to discinigrate and blobs of metallic black slime began to blow all over the place. Underneath it was a tiny little clown that looked just like the blob they were just fighting, but on a much smaller scale. He was dressed in blue and red and held a magic wand in his hand, which was most likely what he was using to assemble the blobs together. Mario proceeded to leap high in the sky and pound on top of the clowns head, making the clown explode in golden stars and white smoke, which eventually degenerated into spectacular glitters of all different colors.

"Nice one Mario!" Pit said. Mario ran over to Yoshi to make sure he was alright. Yoshi said his name happily as he jumped up and down and Mario simply just patted his head. "It's not over yet though Pit," Fox reminded. "Peach is still in a world of trouble. We can't let the Koopalings and Bowser beat us to that Castle. Let's get a move on people!"

Once they reached Peach's castle, they saw the Arwing burning to the ground at the entrance. "Oh no, Falco!" Pit cried! They all ran over to the aircraft to search for Falco. They looked in the cockpit but nothing could be found. "Where is he?" Fox asked. "Awwww, are you guys looking for this guy?" They heard someone snapped their fingers. When they turned around, they saw it was Dark Pit. In his hand was a life-size trophy of Falco. "It's Pittoo!" Pit said. "I told you a thousand times to stop calling me that!" Dark Pit said adamantly. "The name is Dark Pit!" Fox said "I believe you have someone who's on our side." "And you're correct," Dark Pit said. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I know when I'm outnumbered. If you want an attempt to try to save your little friend here, meet me in the throne room." Dark Pit wings began to glow in purple light as he flew inside the castle, rushing to the throne room.

Fox and Mario were about to rush after Dark Pit, but Pit yelled "Stop!" Fox asked "What is it?" Pit explained, "Don't you see? This is exactly what happened with me last time. Dark Pit lured me into following him just to send me into a trap that almost killed me." "I'm pretty sure we are walking right into a trap," Fox agreed, "But they have one of my comrades. I'm not about to leave him behind!" Fox and Mario continued to rush into the castle as Pit and Yoshi followed. "Hey, wait for us!"

Once they reached the throne room, they saw Peach and Falco's trophy lying at the end of the room. "Looks like we were still too late..." Pit said sadly. On guard, Fox said "They want us to go get those trophies. It's too empty in here. This has trap written all over it." All of a sudden, the ground from underneath them began to glow. The glow made a shape that looked like an orange letter "W" with a blue ring circling it. A portal opened in front of them, sucking them all into it. "I knew this was a trap!" Pit tried to use the power of flight, but he had already used all of its power trying to chase down Dark Pit earlier. They all screamed and yelled as they were sucked into the portal, having no idea where they'd be spit out next.

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