First Encounter

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Seohyun ran as fast as she can towards the kitchen, the moment her feet touched the ground after she came off the school bus, her twin hot on her tail. She found her mother baking some double chocolate chip cookies, her favorite. "Omma, we're home!" they said simultaneously in a loud voice making sure she'd hear.

She immediately approached them and gave each of them a tight hug and a kiss on their forehead. They're already thirteen but they still treat them like a baby, especially her. "Hello there sweeties, how's school?" her mom gently brushed the loose strands of her hair off her face and patted her twin's head

"It was okay omma" Minhyuk said as he kissed her "I'll go upstairs and change" he continued and left after their mother nodded, but not before taking some cookies with him.

Seohyun beamed "It was okay omma. I'll go upstairs too, I have to make my Arts assignment, I can't wait to do the sketches!" Arts had always been her favorite subject. And not only her family said that she's good at it.

"Okay. But you should come down after an hour with your twin. I prepared a snack for you." She said

"I will!"

She rushed inside her room and opened her drawer to get her drawing materials. She took several pieces of oslo paper but failed to see her charcoal pencil. Her room was already in a mess from finding it when she remembered that her Kwangsoo oppa borrowed it a few days ago.

She hurriedly climb down the stairs and went to the garage- his favorite spot of their house for these past few months he became obsessed with cars.

"Oppa, where's my charcoal pencil?" she's already yelling even though she has yet to come inside

Their garage is not that big, just enough to cage their two cars. And as usual, the place is a mess. The tools and tires are all over the place.

She looked around the place, but has not seen him inside. She was about to go out when her peripheral vision caught a glance at a pair of legs visible from under one of their car. She walked towards it and stopped beside the legs

She's already accustomed to her Kwangsoo oppa, she couldn't disturb him if he's busy tinkering his car. More like a wax dummy who can't see or hear. He needs a bit of force to get his attention.

She took a deep breath gathering up some strength, at the count of three, she kicked his leg in full force. It so happen that she hit the ball of his ankle. She knew he might felt like electrified because of the pain he's feeling right now.

She was proven right when she heard his scream and a loud thug under the car. But she does not care. She even yelled louder "Oppa! Where's my charcoal pencil? You always borrowed that from me, but you never give it back! If you don't return my pencil now, I will kick you again!" she threatened

"Whoa! Wait a minute!" said the voice from under the car. He slowly slid out of it and she almost fainted after she realized he was not her Kwangsoo oppa.

The pain was still evident his face when she looked at him. When their eyes met, she felt her young heart sang with happiness. Just like in the movies, she could've sworn she heard angels singing, saw sparks flying and at a distance were faint sounds of bells ringing. In short, she was in heaven..

She almost lost her balance and she almost fell in the ground. She felt her knees weakened, as if it couldn't support her weight. She was smiling like an idiot but she didn't even care.

She looked at him from head to toe while he's back is still on the floor

Maybe he's also shocked when he saw me. She thought. Well, meeting your soulmate doesn't happen every day.

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