Kido: why are we here again?
Kano: to play a dare game!
Saya: thts all?
Kano: you expected more? ° ^ °
Shintaro: who wouldn't?
Hibiya: lets just play already!
Momo: Hibiya, your being too stubborn!
Hibiya: tch, whatever oba-san
Momo:(trying to stay calm) # = _ =
Konoha: (stomach rumbles) hungry
Seto: and wht dare would tht be Kano?
Kano: (grins) well its only one but you all need to do it!
Shintaro: I've got a bad feeling about this
Ene: master please, its just one!
Kano: the dare hug your crush!
Dan: jawdrops except Konoha
Kano: your not gonna do it? ok then I will!(hugs Kido)
Kido:(eyes widen then blushes)o-oi! Kano let go!
Kano: never!
Saya: (jealous,kicks Kano in the member then hugs Kido) mine...
Kido: (blushes) Ki-Kinoshita?
Dan: yuri?
Momo: (nosebleed s, gets her phone) wheres the camera when you need one!
Mary: yaois much better
Kano: (passed out)
Saya: (blushes) mine ~
Kido: (slightly blushes, then smiles) f-fine...
Saya: (blushes then hums happily) Mine...
Dan: what?!
Shintaro: (sighs) but my crush is already dead T ^ T Ayano...
Momo: but my crush isn't here neither!
Hibiya: my crush is dead already, how am I suppose to hug someone who's dead?
Mary: Seto s my crush! (hugs Seto)
Seto: ehh?! (blushes) etto... I guess Mary's my crush then
Mary: yay!
Shintaro: so theres only one left to go
Dan: looks at Konoha
Konoha: did I do something wrong?
Shintaro: who's your crush?
Konoha: is crush negima?
Ene: no, crush is someone you like!
Konoha: oh, then Ene-chan s my crush
Dan: ehhh?!
Hibiya: huwat?!
Extended Ending:
Kano: (wakes up) wht happened?
Seto: Saya-chan kicked you in your member Kano
Kano: ehh? so everyone hugged their crushes?
Seto: nope, only Saya,Mary and Konoha
Kano: really? who's their crush?
Seto: Mary's crush is me, Konoha s Ene and Saya's Kido
Kano: what?! she stole my waifu?! how dare she! (goes to Saya's and Kido's room)
ok so I am so srry tht it wasn't KidoKano if you want to know why its bc I love Kido and nobody must get her!
I am not yandere, I am kuudere plus I am not lesbian