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"Here you go" Dean said setting down the three bags full of hamburgers "enjoy" Sam closes the laptop and takes a burger out tossing it to Dean taking another one for himself. Dean and Sam leave going to their rooms being left alone at the table. You grab a bag and walk up to your room. When you reach your room you close the door and set the bag in your bed dumping out 5 burgers

"Castiel. Wanna come down?" You sit on your bed and sigh.

"Hello y/n" a deep voice grumbled from the foot of your bed causing goose bumps on your skin. "Are you alright" the angel spoke worried.

"I'm just fine Cas just cold. I have food" you slide four of the burgers over to him. He takes off his trench coat and sets it on your shoulders in a timely fashion. You pull it around you tighter look at him in confused meant

"Where did that come from?" His blue eyes flicker on to yours

"I've seen it in a movie once"

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