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"Where are we going" you groaned knowing it was useless.

"You'll see" he replied smirking  you just huffed and looking out of the window in the car. 'Why couldn't we just zap where ever we were going' you saw a huge Ferris wheel "go ahead guess" you roll your eyes.

"The Carnival"



"Why not" he just smirked and you just smiled reaching for his hand. He held yours as he parked and bought you guy tickets so you could play the games and ride rides.

"What one first!" You look around in excitement. "It seems to get bigger and bigger every year!!" He looks at you and points to (y/f/r).

"How about that one" you nod 24 rides later you find your self on the Ferris wheel with him. You couldn't help but be cheesy I mean he was your boyfriend.

"Look at the rides" during all the riding it the sun seemed to dissappered being replaced by the moon. "They look like there decorated with different colored stars" you didn't realize him looking at you being so breath taken by being in the wheel.

"Hey y/n" you turned you head and before yo could reply his lips where on yours the Ferris wheel moved you a bit more forward your eyes were wide open when he pulled away. Smirking he looked at the rides. "They are okay I guess. Not as pretty as you" you paused for a second and kissed him back feeling you being moved a little farther downward.

"I love you trickster"

"I love you to sugar drop"

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