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I whacked Qasim on the shoulder as I turned over and pulled a pillow over my head so I didn't hear her.

"SHE" was the little angel I had a year after my miscarriage. Her name was Humaira and right now she was screaming her head off and it was not my turn. After a few seconds of grumbling at how this was unfair Qasim dragged himself out of bed and over to the cot where he, I assume, picked her up or rocked her cot which made her quiet making me sigh out of relief. I'm not cut out for this lack of sleep business. Once she was quiet Qasim got back into bed pulling the pillow off my head as he wrapped his arm around my mid-riff and went back to falling asleep.

A lot of things changed when I was finally pregnant with Humaira; Abid and Haleena got engaged, they planned on getting married when Humaira was one as they wanted her to be a part of it properly, Raheelah and Ismail got married and she is now pregnant with twins. Aneesah was still the single one and she was loving it with Humaira in the house.

We finally bought our house but we still have a few touches to make before we can move in, Qasim was sure to childproof every room for his darling.

Life wasn't great with the grumpy man beside me as he often found faults in the way I was handling things especially when I was pregnant with Humaira which obviously resulted in me getting frustrated with him. I'd just end up ignoring him so he'd realise he was being pushy which would then result in him bringing me nutella and a spoon which was basically life.

It was obviously hard to be the cheesy cute couple now that we have a 6 months old daughter to take care of but Qasim plays his role well buying me flowers or simply helping me out and letting me go sleep during the day when I look like I'm about to die. I love being a mother to Humaira as the little munchkin wasn't hard to love but the main part of loving being a mother to her is the fact that her father is infact a father to her. I love seeing when they're both playing together as I love seeing his smile and hearing her laugh when the two bond.

Humaira was spoilt by the pair of her grandparents much to the despair of Qasim who believed spoiling her now would lead to her being spoilt when she grows older but obviously we all ignore him. Her uncles and aunties doted on her, whenever we would go to stay at my parents I'd always have to facetime home so Abid and Aneesah can talk to her and wish her a good night. This occurs when I'm home with Saqib, Baj and Haleena except they all facetime at different times. It does drain my battery but their love is an unaccountable compensation.

Humaira loved the attention and would scream her head off when she felt like she wasn't getting it especially when we went to my parents and I was playing around with Umer. She would always get attention though by someone or the other. She was never left alone for longer than a minute, someone would always grab her and play with her when her face just simply crumpled up as if she was about to cry but honestly I could tell she loved it. She would turn out to be a spoilt little brat but honestly I loved my little princess.

We were all now busy with the mission of Abid and Haleena's wedding and sorting his room out so it would look less like a pig lived in it and more like a married couple could live in it. Abid was constantly stressing over his job and buying their house as he worked so many long shifts to be able to pay for the house the two wanted, it was on the same road as this one, me and Abid offered to help but he was stubborn in showing Haleena he could do it and be able to provide her with what she wanted. She was working hard herself as she wanted to help Abid by buying the things for the house as she knew Abid wouldn't accept the money for the house. The two were absolutely adorable as they blushed and ran out of the room whenever their fiancé's name was even mentioned, God help them when they're married.

I'm just rambling now to be honest. All I want to say is simply this... I never did really plan on marrying this arrogant, stubborn and potentially moody man beside me but I did, and I'm glad I did as that (not really mine) decision was the best I had ever taken as now the arrogant, stubborn and potentially moody man was my cheeky, silly and absolutely handsome husband and I loved every minute I spent with him. I'm glad that I had a chance to have a beautiful child with him as I'm blessed with the sight of their bonding and that's the best thing I'd ever recall when I grow old, the memories of my husband and my child laughing as they play with each other.

There's always a chance that what you planned does not occur but just know that Allah has done what He did for a reason and In Sha Allah (if God wills) it will benefit you ❤

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