chapter five

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Im going to skip ahead to her fifteenth birthday. January 21. just a warning

Happy birthday me! Im crying. Everything is going down hill since the end of last year. Ive been really sick latly. Suddenly I hear a noise behind me. I peek through a small bush to see two young girls. All of the sudden they hear my crying and run over to me. The tallest one says "Hi my name is Danielle and this is Lily. Whats your name?" "C-C-Catie" I stutter. "Do you want to come with us Catie?" Danielle says "Sure. Theres no point of staying here." I reply. So we walk in the direction of town.

"Catie." Danielle whispers while shaking my shoulder. " Uhhh, ya Dani." I moan. " I think I got my period." " I have some pads in my bag. you can have some. Ill be right back I just need to use the bathroom." I say calmly. I wait for her to leave and then I'm hit by nausea. I bolt to the bathroom hole and throw up. After that I feel fine.

Later we decice to go to town. As we walk we see a place called Sunrise Cafe. We go inside and walk up to one of the waitresses. "Hi were a little lost do you know anywhere we can stay?" Danielle asks. " Well, there is the Zortman's house they live near marker 95." " thank you." Dani replies and off we go to the Zortmans.

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