Chapter 3

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-----------HARRY'S POV-------------

I caught the girls arm as she crashed into me. "Are you alright?" I asked in a worried voice. We both looked at each other at the same time and my breath was taken away. She was beautiful. She had a perfect face, I.. I just can't explain it, it was so pretty. But something about her face seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. "Do I know you from somewhere?" I asked. She looked down and stammered out "N-no w-we have n-never met b-before." She tugged her arm out of my grip and ran out the door her friend, that I had just noticed now, follower her. I watched her as she left. Even that voice I swear I've heard it before. I shrugged it off and went to go sit down at a table with the rest of the boys.

During the car ride to our hotel from Starbucks all I could think of was that girl. I knew her from somewhere I was sure of it. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back onto the seat. Next thing you know I was alseep.


"C'om Darcy it's our last night together for a while let's have some fun!!!" I looked down at my bestfriend, who looked back up at me and forced a smile onto her face. "What's wrong?" I asked her, "Oh it's nothing Harry, go have fun" She said. "No Darc tell me what's wrong." I ordered. "Fine", she said with a sigh, "it's just that I'm scared you won't keep your promise to me, and that you'll never come back, and that...that you'll forget about me." She looked down and started to play with her fingers and I knew that she was blinking tears out of her eyes. "Hey Darc", I took her hands in mine, she lifted her head up to look at me, "I'll never leave you ok? I'll never forget about you, and I will always, always come back." I looked into her eyes and pulled her into a hug. When we separated she looked at me and smiled, a real smile this time. "Alright, now let's go have some fun."

---------END OF FLASHBACK---------

I sat up with a jolt, causing Niall, who was seated next to me, to jump. He

gave me a sideways look, "You ok lad?" He asked. "Ya, ya I'm fine" I muttered back. I closed my eyes again savoring the last bits of the dream that were still in my head. Of course! Why could I not remember her before? We had been best friends since...well since, forever!! I mean she has changed a lot, but still you think I would be able to recognize her right away! That girl, I bumped into at Starbucks, that was....that was Darcy.

-------------DARCY'S POV---------

I ran out of Starbucks and kept on running until I reached the park. The whole time I was barely aware of Lizzie running behind me. I bent down my hands on my knees, panting from the run. Lizzie doing the same beside me. "Why did you do that?" Lizzie asked between breaths, "Why did you run?" "You know perfectly well why!!" I answered in an exasperated voice, "I bumped into him, Harry! And he didn't even recognize me, which I'm glad he didn't and I had to get out of there as fast as I could before he did recognize me!!" "Ya I know that part!!" Said Lizzie, "But why did you have to run this far?" I giggled and looked at Lizzie who was still gasping for breath, "Jeez" I said, "You've got to get into better shape!!" Lizzie grumbled something under her breath about showing me a shape, but I didn't quite catch it. I just shook my head and sighed at my silly friend. "Well", I said, "We better get home, there's nothing more that I want now then a nice cup of tea."Good idea", answered Lizzie weakly,

"But can we take a cab?" I laughed, nodded my head, and then whistled down a can to take us home.


Soooo how dida like it? :) Plz comment and tell me, also tell if you like my story, pretty pretty plz tell people it's good so I can get more readers :) And srry this chapters so short, the next one will be longer I promise

~ Becca

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2013 ⏰

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