Chapter 1- You're one of them

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The bell rings to signal the start of a new day at Lakewood Academy. It's a fairly big school with fairly smart people... so why am I here? It may come as a shock to you but I am pretty intelligent, I got here on a scholarship. (Apparently people like students who get straight A's since the 3rd grade... not to brag)

So here I am, trying to avoid the stares as I walk down the hallway to classroom 2B. Along with my "special" eyes, I have red hair- no, I didn't dye it- so people are always looking at me funny. I'm supposed to be Hispanic but I look more Irish, except for my tan skin.

"Maya! wait up!" That's Lindsey, she's been my best friend since she laid eyes on me. The thing about her is that she likes to judge people and things on a "cuteness scale." Apparently I was absolutely adorable in Pre-K!

I stopped walking and smiled at her, "Hey Lin!" She halted in front of me and bent down panting.

"Wassup?" she gasped in between breaths, still staring at the ground, "hey! cute shoes! I'd give then a 5.3!"  

What did I tell you?

"Thanks?" I said awkwardly, "Why were you running so fast?" I looked behind her trying to find the bully that would soon become my lunch. Oh- you should also know that I'm very protective of my friends, especially Lindsey since she's the only friend I actually have.

She became vertical again, "because we're about to be late for-" the bell went off again, "homeroom." She finished, sulking.

I grabbed her arm and sprinted the rest of the way to class. Mr. Dinlock (I like to call him Mr. Ding-dong) is my English teacher as well as my homeroom instructor. His rule is, and I quote, "you snooze you loose." Which basically means if you're late to class he locks the door so you can't get in.  

Lin and I arrived just as Mr. Dinlock was pulling out his keys.

"We're here!" I shoved open the door.

Maybe I should've made a less obnoxious entrance because 22 pairs of eyes were now staring at me. Even Dean Andrew's deep brown ones. He's been my crush since the first year of middle school when he deliberately ignored me to spare my feelings.

Sweet right?

I let go of Lin's arm and fast-walked to me desk, keeping my head down all the way. "Sorry Mr. Ding- I mean Dinlock, "Lin's vice came from across the room.

"You got lucky, girls. Next time you won't be allowed to come in," his eyes bore into mine and I gave him my best "I'm innocent" eyes.

He sighed and finished locking the door. Making his way to the blackboard he went on a dull explanation of verbs and conjunctions and how they link and blah-blah-blah. I would occasionally look up and take notes but other then that I was doodling in my journal. Lin kept hissing for me to stop, but what am I supposed to do when I'm bored out of my mind?

The bell rang at the end of class just as I was putting the finishing touches on my dragon. I smiled at it. Even though it was only a rough drawing it still came out pretty well. 

I closed the journal and left to meet up with Lin at our lockers. Just as I was exiting the room a rough hand seized my arm. I was pulled behind the door to come face-to-face with a boy around my age. His brown, shaggy hair fell into his eyes as he muttered something into my ear. I didn't catch what he said because I was too busy thinking about self defense moves I could use on a potential rapist. Thought of one! 

My knee collided with his stomach and he doubled over, groaning. I turned to run but he caught hold of my wrist. This guy won't give up! My fist was about to introduce itself to his face until he spat out, "I'm not going to hurt you!"

Well this puts things into a different perspective.

I let him sit up. I hadn't put my defense down though, this guy could still turn out to be a total creep.

"God," he growled, rubbing his middle, "What did ya' do that for?"

"Why did you grab me?" I asked, ignoring his question.

His eyes lit up like he was remembering why he tried to freak me out, "Oh yeah, I was sent to get you," he tried to grab my wrist again but I smacked it away.

"By who?" 


"and I'm supposed to know who Tim is?" I glared.

He sighed, "just come on and you'll see."

"I'm not going anywhere!"

He studied me as if judging how much trouble it's be to move me himself. I guess I'd be a lot of trouble because he looked both ways and bent down towards my ear,

"you'e one of them."

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