Beth's Thing

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Things that make me feel loved/ Things I love about myself Nominated by mitchsonepieceofhair   

1. I like my hair colour, not texture

2. I like my eye colour

3. I like that I'm a bad liar because I like telling the truth

4. I like it when people are honest with me, it makes me feel trusted

5. I like the fact that, although it can be a disadvantage, I trust people really easily and take what they say as true.

6. I love hanging round my family coz I know they appreciate me for who I am

7. I really love being a twin because it is a wonderful relationship that I will never ever take for granted and I know Martha will always be there for me even if no one else is, it makes me feel like us two together are a really strong team that can't be broken.

8. I appreciate when people don't ignore me just because I'm quieter than most people.


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