Pronunciation List:
Because this story uses many uncommon words and names, I decided to add a pronunciation list, for the reader’s benefit.
Character’s Names:
Loki - [loh-kee]
Ikol - [ahyk-l]
Xaphan - [zay-fin]
Seraphiel - [ser-rah-fahy-el]
Iofiel - [eye-off-e-el]
Cledwyn - [clay-do(wi)n]
Yukiko - [yu-key-ko]
Uriel - [yoor-ee-uhl]
Raziel - [r-ae-z a- l]
Darc - [dar-k]
Darce - [dar-s]
Armisael - [arm-eh-sal]
Angel Hierarchy:
Seraphim - [ser-uh-fim]
Cherubim - [cher-uh-bim]
Nephilim - [ne-fill-em]
Addonexus - [add-on-x-is]
Claymore - [kley-mawr]
Excalibur - [ek-skal-uh-ber]
Rapier - [rey-pee-er]
Black and White - Book One: Black
FantasyTheir birth was forbidden. Their existence breaks every rule, and bends even Fate herself. Their souls hold great power, one of light, and one of darkness. And when they are together, they could easily destroy anything that gets in their way. Loki;...