love & war

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YOUR POV: OMGOODNESS wat am i gonna wear??? it has to be cute for the first day of school!!

YM:wat are you stressing for?

YN:WAT!!???its the first day of high school!!

YM:whatever just hurry up the bus will be here in 15min and you haven't eaten yet

⏰⏰⏰🔇🔇📱 15 mins 📱later 

king(your brother):come on hurry up

YN:k whatever i can eat at school

king: good now lets go the bus is waiting


Your pov :(staring oh my at ??) oh goodness who is that hes

soo fine!!

jordon(random girl on bus): thats rayan lopez hes in 11th grade he only goes out with 12th graders

YN:wat??? how did u......

Jordan: hi.. im jordan and i im not psychic i saw you staring at him

YN:that obvious..... wow oh im YN.. new 10th grade

JORDAN:im in 10th grade too

YN: how do you know that he only goes out with 12th graders

Jordan: word gets around and it helps that my older bro is like best friend with him

my bro's name is jacob perez but he goes by princeton or prince

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