Chapter 7 : This Time

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It was 10 am, I showered, and dressed properly in my black skinny jeans and black t-shirt, I love this combination even though Gemma considered it garbage.

Taylor's figure lying on my bed was distracting and the reason behind it was obscure. Her hands had a tight grip on my blanket that she had on her. She looked so fragile and innocent.

Every time my opinions on her changed. At first when I saw her in the class, it was something I could not explain, it was hard to look away from her. She had a distinct feature that made me want to explore her face, which seemed quite strange. Her eyes were what allured me the most. It was so peculiar for me that I didn't even made a move on her. I forgot how to use my charms on people. Mostly, my first moves take seconds but I couldn't do one on Taylor. She was different.

I was crazy, she was not different she was just not the kind of girls I talk to. That was it.

The next time when I saw her she was occupied and I didn't know why. Maybe, she was in a deep thought for something important.

Then at the party she showed me a whole new Taylor, a person I would love to have in my bed. Demanding, confident and mature. It was a great sight to see her looking at me like that, like she wanted me and was denying verbally. Her dress was making it hard for me to breathe, revealing her sexy long legs.

Then last night I saw her later with Niall when I was about to shag a women, what was her name Lisa? Lia? Whatever. 

Taylor was cute when drunk, asking me those annoying questions.But, what she told me that night changed all my thoughts on her.

Girls hate me because I do something with them. But Taylor, she doesn't even know me and yet said things that I never wanted to hear from someone like her. She sounded like she hated me and I don't know what I did wrong with her. Taking care of her when she was drunk is wrong? Not making a move on her is wrong?

Girl talk rubbish about me all the time but they had a reason for this. But this blonde doesn't.

She doesn't know me at all.

She shifted a little, and then slowly opened her eyes, they looked tired. One of her hands quickly moved towards her head and she shut her eyes again.

The hangover pain, I knew the feeling.

She opened her eyes again, this time she took notice of her environment. Her eyes widen when she saw me standing.

"what am I .. What are you.. what is?" She tried to form a sentence.

"You were drunk last night, like very drunk. Also, you didn't have a phone so I let you sleep here." I explained it to her.

She looked at my t-shirt on her and raised an eyebrow. "Also you looked very uncomfortable in your dress so I let you wear mine." I answered her unspoken question.

"Thank you." She mumbled.

"You're welcome. Where do you live?"

"College dorms." She mumbled slowly.

I nodded.

"I'll go in a minute." She somehow managed to stand up and I glance at my t-shirt on her. It looked nice.

"Yeah. You can change and then I'll drop you." I answered.

"You don't have to."

"Go change."

Suddenly the door of my room burst open revealing Louis.

"Hey Mate have you seen my- Oh, sorry didn't know you have a company." His eyes landed on Taylor and he checked out her body which was covered with my clothes.

I rolled my eyes and I knew that Taylor was a bit uncomfortable.

"This is Louis, my friend and this is Taylor" I introduced them.

Louis eyes widen "You remember the name of the girl you fuc*ked? That's new."

Taylor's jaw dropped as Louis spoke that sentence.

"No No no. We didn't fuc*k. She just slept here." I clarified.

"Yeah, right." He chuckled.

"He's right. We didn't..." Taylor said and pushed her blonde hair back.

"Oh...really? How is that possible? Harry, don't tell me you just realized that you're gay. Don' tell me you have a crush on me. I told you in seventh grade that Larry is not real."

"Fuc*k Off man."

Taylor led out a giggle and I glance at her. She suddenly put on a straight face, trying to hide her laughter.

"You change, I'll go outside." I told her. I went outside and dragged Louis with me.

"I didn't know Styles has 'slumber parties' now. Was it cute?" He asked.

"Shut up, Tommo."

"Tell me what are you planning this time?"

"It'll be cool to have her for a while and then break her heart. You know the usuals, that way I can finally give her a reason to hate me. You know, she already hates me even though I haven't done a single thing with her."

"She must have heard it from somewhere."

"I don't fuck*ing care. She wants to hate me, now she'll get a reason to hate me."

"Harry, leave it. Now you'll say that you'll keep her for longer just to crush her heart and maybe do all those cute lovey dovey stuffs and then leave her."

"You're right."

"What?" Louis' widened his eyes.

"This time is going to be different. This time I'm going to make her like me, a lot and then when she's totally whipped I'll break her heart."

"Are you serious?"

"Hell yeah."

"Good luck with that, then." He gave me a thumbs up and went away.

Taylor came out from that door a minute after and we went towards my car.

Like a gentleman I opened her door. I'd never done this shi*t, ever.

The ride to her dorms was quiet and I was thinking about my plan. I wasn't familiar with what a girl need. I usually straight away go to the girl's place and after a few minutes find myself in bed with her.

We reached the dorms and bid her a goodbye and I received a smile and a thank you from her.

This time was going to be very different. This time was going to be fun.


Another update. YAY! 

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