I am Sam

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I Am Sam

Written by: parker

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you...". Sam listened contently as his family continued singing the traditional song that marked another years passing. He had just turned seven, so such trivial habits still amused him. He looked at his mother and brother and smiled his boyish grin as they finished their song.
"Thank you mother" he said in a songlike chirp. "I'm having a wonderful time!"
"I'm glad to hear that shoog!" Exclaimed his mother, pulling him into a tight hug. He was about to ask his mother what flavor the cake was, when he was abruptly interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" Sang out his mother. The door flings open revealing a grubby, middle aged man with a green suit.
"Daddy's home!" Cackles the stranger.
Sam had never known his father, his mother told him that his father was dead. All his life he lived with his mother and occasionally his step father, The Joker. So who was this man? The man strutted over to him and ruffled his hair,
"How's it going champ? Miss your pops?" He asked with a delightfully evil smile.
"W-who are you?" Sam asked, his voice trembling.
"Its me, your dad!" He hacked.
"My dad is dead." Said Sam, his confidence dwindling. The man eyed Sam's mother, "So is that what she's been telling you?" He asked cruelly. "Lets start from the beginning, shall we? Seven years ago today, 1998, you were born. Now I wasn't too thrilled about that. We never married, so we lived in separate houses, but when she brought you to my place, I didn't want anything to do with you! But now I'm here to be the dad you've never had. Maybe do something right for once. Me and your mom were even talking about getting back together!"
"M-mom is this true?'' Sam asked incredulously.
"I'm afraid so honey, I'm sorry, I only lied to protect you." Sam's head began to spin as he tried to process all the information he'd just learned.
"Oh and there's more!" Piped the man. "You have a sister!" Sam looked up at the man, and stared into his cold eyes.
"Mr. I think you mean brother. And I knew that. His name is Jack!" He said contently. He shook his head. "No. Her name is E".

~several years later~

Over the years Sam had come to dislike E. He thought E was a stupid name. E, Who names a child just one letter? After that night Sam rarely saw his mother. His father took him and taught him how to be a so called Nygma. Sam was about 13 when he finally had the courage to step up to his father. "Who the hell do you think you are, taking me away from my family?! From my life!"
"Now kid!" He said in a mean voice, " I understand you miss Harley, and I know your sad the wedding didn't work out, but your a villain's son! It's in your blood to kill, get what you want, and be happy doing it! I took you so that idiot Harley wouldn't soften you up!"
"Don't you ever talk about her that way! I swear to god I will kill this entire family right here and now!" Sam says grabbing his 12 year old sister E "you want me to be a villain?! Huh! Cause I'll be one! I'll gladly be one!"
"Woah kid calm down! You wanna live with your mother live with your mother! But it's only January and you only see her in July so you'll have to wait." Sam hated anything that came out of the riddler's mouth. He takes his sisters arm and throws her cutting her in the process and he runs upstairs.

~July 2011~

"Well son your finally leav-"
"I'm not your son!" Sam says getting in the car with E, excited to see his mother and Jack. They pull up at Harley's hide out and Harley is there waiting for them "ooh my sugar is home!" Harley yells running to Sam and hugging him. "Riddles! Just leave! Your obviously not wanted here!" She says glaring at riddler.
"oh ok damn, but one thing! Sam will be staying with you from now on. I tried putting him in the young Arkham tower with E, but that didn't work out, so he will be with you!"
"Whatever just leave!" she says giving him a look, "but I'm sure glad my baby's home!"
"I'm not a baby ma."
"Well your my baby and that's that!"

~four years later~

"It's time Jack. I'm seventeen now, and it's finally time. Time to do what must be done. Time to kill my father!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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