chapter one

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(Note- this takes place when kenzie is 6, mike is 8 and jack or Sean is 7. I will tell you when we get to the present. :3)
Kenzie POV;
I was playing with mike when our mom came in, "come on we're leaving" she said smiling. "Ok." Mike said getting up and walking over to mom, he looked at me "you coming kenzie?" I nodded and got walking over to mom and mike. We got outside and mike opened the car door, I got in first and then mike got in sitting next to me. Our parents got in the front seat, "you kids buckled up?" Dad asked. "Yes sir" mike said smiling. "Ok good." Dad said back and started they car soon enough we were on the road. We r movng to a place called Ireland all our stuff is in the trunk. I don't why we're moving but I hope the people there r nice. (Time skip! :3) we got to our new house it was white with a blue roof and it had a deck. We got out of the car and carry our stuff into the living room. "Hey kenzie!" Mike said. "What?" I asked. "I'll race you up the stairs." He said smiling. We both ran up the stairs mike was running on his two legs while I was running on four. Mike won, he looked at me still trying to get up the last step. "Come on kenzie, u can do it" he cheered. I smiled and jumped on mike. We laughed and went to go check out the rooms, we were sharing a room but I don't mind. I ran and jumped on the bed. "Calm down doggy." Mike said smiling, I crossed my arms. "I'm not a dog!" I said. "Ok doggy." Mike said laughing a bit. "Stop calling me that." I said frowning. Mike frowned too, "ok I won't but can I call you kenzie?" He asked. I thought about it and smiled, nodding my head. "Kids! Come get your stuff." Mom called. We ran down stairs and got some our stuff and put in our room. We help mommy and daddy set up the house, after we were done we ordered a pizza and watched TV. *ding dong* "pizza here!" Mike called. Dad opened the door and payed the pizza guy, me and mike got up and walked over to the table. We all down, we talked to each other while eating the pizza. "R we going to have school?" Mike asked. "Yes, you have to go tomorrow so no staying up late." Mom said. "We won't" mike said. After eating, me and mike went upstairs to going to sleep. We got in bed and fell asleep.
Hi guys hope you like the story so yeah. Keep being awesome, love you guys! Bye!!!!)

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