Lina is just another gypsy woman, wandering around Portugal. She sings and dances for money. She refuses to steal, beg, and barter like all the other gypsies. She leaves her clan to pursue her on honest life, away from the laws, rules, and consequences.
Tobbar is just another gypsy man. He is the son of the leader of his gypsy clan. All his life he has only known to steal, barter,beg, and trick for money. He had always been taught that someday, he would be married off to the prettiest gypsy girl in his clan, have children with her, be leader of his clan, and continue living his life the same way as all the gypsies in his clan had. That is, until he meets Lina.
To him, Lina is different. She doesn't want what all of the gypsies want. She has secrets, secrets that Tobbar wishes to learn. She has emotional walls, walls that Tobbar wishes to break.
Can Tobbar make Lina learn to love? Can Tobbar give up the life he has always known and loved, in pursuit of this gypsy woman?