-how you meet-

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simon-you have been a huge fan of you me at six and all time low for years, your brother cal (but his friends call him calfreezy) had brought 3 tickets for your birthday present. but the 'catch' he said that he has to come with me and so did one of his friends simon. you hadnt met simon yet but you seen him in cals videos and his. you thought he was hot to be honest. you arrive at cals flat, you hear a knock on the door so you go and answer it. you open the door, it was simon holding a boque of roses, he was vlogging also. he handed you the flowers and then said "oh i thought you were cal, sorry" you replied "thats okay they are nice flowers my favorite, its my birthday anyways." he answered back "oh its your birthday so happy birthday and keep the roses, just dont look at the price." so what do you do you obviously look at the price "you cheap..." but before you finished your sentence, your big brother cal walked around the corner and said "oh i see you have already met, so lets get going."

josh-your cousin tobi had a friend called josh that he wanted to set you up with. like on a date. you were very picky about boys, you wouldnt ever judge then by their apperence you just wanted to get to know then abit first. it was tobis birthday and he invited you, your twin brother jason and josh over his house to play xbox and chill. jason and tobi were talking about past holidays from when you were young, you and josh were just talking about random stuff and you found out that you have lots in common. you decided that you like him alot and you cuddled up for the night and talked and talked and talked.

ethan-you were from essex but you moved to boston for your gap year. you worked in a shoe shop for your uncle. one day you were working like normal when you see a bunch of guys walk in the store, you thought that they were all kind of hot, but there is one in particular that you thought was really cute. he had a nice black and white tracksuit on and he had a quif sort of hair style going on. he had a amazing laugh, like it was amazing. you go over to him so you can get noticed. he asks about the shoes and you explain all of it. you find out his name is ethan payne, now he had 10 shoe boxes in his hands, you being a good employer you grab 5 boxes off him and walk over to the counter. he pays for the shoes but since you think hes hot you give him a discount. in the favor he gives you his number and vise versa, you realise that it is ethan from primary school the boy you had a crush on for 2 years and you guys catch up and the rest is history.

jj-you are becoming a well known youtuber, you have 900,000 subscribers and the one and only ksiolejidebt wanted to play you in a game of fifa, because he thinks that he can beat you. but you have never been beaten, you have only drew or won. the day of the match came and you were nervous, very nervous. he decided to ask you to come tk the sidemen house to record and play against him. it was half time now and you were losing 2-1. once the second half was over you won against jj 4-2. you were so happy and he was so upsef, so in repay for him losing you decided to take him out for nandos. on a date, sort of and you guys hit it off straight away.

vikk-you were a big minecraft nerd and you loved a youtuber called vikkstar123 who was about your age. you felt lucky on that random wednesday night so you decided to go on a hunger games map, you were one out of four survivers left, this calls for a DEATH MATCH! you were really pumped up for it. it was you verses howtominecraft101, Clover_Girl01 and VikkStar123. you started freaking out, oh my golly gosh. your celebrity/man crush was on a surver with you and you had to kill him. you and vikk teamed up against the other two, ovbiously you two whooped there asses. then after that you typed into the chat box 'BRING IT ON VIKKSTAR I AM GONNA GO ALL HELMET BOY ON YOUR SORRY ASS!' he replied 'I SEE YOUR A FAN THEN (Y/N) WELL NO ONE IS 'ELMET BOY ACCEPT ME! lets begin in 3,2,1!' he chased you around, then he killed you eventually. he typed 'good game (y/n) i will follow you on twitter then we could talk then maybe.' you were over the moon and you told him your twitter name the you guys started talking staight away.

tobi-you were filling in for your brother at gamestop while he was sick. it was the midnight realise of the new xbox-one and you were dreading to open up the doors. you saw a huge line of boys and girls of all ages, sizes with amd without there parents. you opened the doors and a whole flood, no not a flood a whole tsunami of people came flowing in throught the doors. they all pushed you over which isnt surpising considering how small you are. some random guy about 20ish helped you up amd asked how you were. his name was tobi and you thought he was very cute, he took you in the back room to get you cleaned up and because he was so nice to you, you gave him a free xbox-one and a kiss on the cheek.  you guys exchanged numbers and talked for ages.

harry-you were waiting in a line for the ride swarm in thorpe park, you hate fast and scary rides but your best friend (y/b/f) dragged you on it. you were so scared you were standing behind a blonde haired boy with a blue jumper on. he turned around to bump into you because you were so small, he apologised then he saw that you were scared. he asked you if you were alright and you replied with a no and a shakey hand. you looked to the floor shaking, he lifted up your chin with his fingers and  looked you staright in the eyes, grabbed your hands and said "you will be okay, i promise you and if you are still scared by the time we get on the ride i will sit by you and keep you calm. im harry by the way." by the time we got on the ride you were still scared so as harry promised he sat by you and held your hands. you swapped phone numbers and soon became very close friends.


this is my first ever prefernce i hope you like it and we do take requests for one shots and preferences so just inbox us.xx

love meg.xxx

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