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As I'm a shit writer, I haven't updated all summer, causing an unintentional cliff hanger. I'm really sorry, but there's been a slight change in the plot (which I haven't posted yet) so I'm just chillin in my corner of failure.

I'll try to post the second chapter tomorrow (or at least some of it) so I can actually live up to my promise to pheosis11. And if anyone wants to be my editor/beta reader you can so just pm me sinCE BLAKE LEFT ME (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) AND WONT COMMENT EITHER >:(

ANYWAYS my idiot older twin brother Braydon says hi, along with Jace, Jayke, Jason, Dan, Day, Jessie, Edmond, and Lily. Have fun figuring out my family tree. I can't most of the time, and I created it.


<3 you guys (and gals... And non-binary peeps)

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