This is not a story. it's a love letter that i wrote & i need opinions.

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           This is a letter that I wrote for my boyfriend for his birthday. we've been going out for a while. it's hard to explain how we feel but anyway I wrote him this letter and I would like to know your guys' opinions on it and what I can improve. please no hate. :) thanks. btw i'm very...what's the word? cheesy? I'm like the romantic type that single people hate. but, this is how I feel:)

Dear, jai

         I'm using this as an opportunity to tell you, yet again, how I feel, although i know that no matter how many of these love letters i write, nothing i say will ever be able to describe my feelings for you, but this is as close as it gets. And trust me, if there was a word in existence meaning 'I love you to the moon and back' but 1284957485794 times over, I'd be using it right now.

        Well, as we all know- today is your birthday.. but to be honest; the gift is without a doubt mine, because your existence is what really makes me happy and gives my life meaning. I've told you this countless times, but I'm going to tell you again- You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and please, don't forget it

        I'm gutted that I wasn't able to celebrate your birthday with you last year, reason number 1; Because I wasn't aware that it was your birthday until several days after the day itself. Reason number 2; We weren't in a relationship together anyway. So to make up for it, I want to make today extra special for you... And besides out of everybody that I know, you're the most deserving of this- of this letter, of my love, you name it; I mean, come on, you've put up with me for so long, I'm just surprised that you're not sick to death of me by now, but thank you. Thank you for not giving up on me when everyone else did

        It's taken time, i know, but gradually you've helped me to uncover these feelings that i didn't even know existed. And I never thought that i'd be able to feel this much passion, this much love, towards anybody.. and i guess that's a good thing, because you've changed me, you've taught me how to love and you've tamed me, you've made me a better person than i ever was before. When we met, I guess we were both heading in the wrong direction, but with the comfort of one another, we've made it through, and look at us now, through thick and thin we're still standing, and i want you to know that just because we argue a lot, doesn't mean that my feelings for you have lessened by any extent, it's only because I love you enough to care

           You know, sometimes when we're arguing, i say things that I don't mean, and trust me, afterwards, the guilt swallows me whole and i regret every-single-thing that i said. Besides, I could never say a bad thing about you and actually mean it, because in my eyes, you're flawless. Trust me, I've tried picking at your faults before and all I can come up with is that you're too much of a stud for my liking. which of course in your eyes is a good thing

        Anyway, I know that I've hurt you in the past, just as you've hurt me; and I remember that you used to say that nobody dies physically if he/she doesn't get the person he/she loves; you were right. I know that now. I know that maybe I won't die without you, but I also know that if I lose you, some part of me /is/ going to die- that part of me which was born when we first fell in love, that part which you brought out in me, which grew as our relationship grew and which I'd never seen before and I never thought I would. That part that made me realize that I did have feelings and sentiments, which made me realize that I could love and it gave my life a whole new meaning, a whole new direction. The most important thing, it made me realize was that I was not yet complete and that I needed to be completed

        If I lose you again, that part of me is going to die. I'll be the same person again as I was before we fell in love. The difference: that before, that part of me had not yet been born and now it would have died, giving me reason to believe that my life doesn't hold direction anymore. The direction that I'd walk to seek my goal, the goal that everybody seeks; the goal of completion. I need to be completed; I need to be completed by you

        Well, saying that, you already complete me. Without you, I wouldn't be me. You define me, and if I never met you, I'm sure that i wouldn't be half the person I am today. You've been here with me through everything, we've made this journey together, everything that i've faced, you've faced with me. if you left me now. I'd be well and truly broken beyond repair. "I love you not just for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you"

        One of the very few downfalls of being in love with you is that it makes me so vulnerable. It opens my chest and it opens up my heart and it means that you can get inside of me and mess me up. I built up all these defenses, a whole armor, it took me months, and I did it specifically so that nothing could hurt me ever again. Then you wander back into my life... I gave you a piece of me. You didn't ask for it. Then you did something one day, you kissed me and you told me that you still loved me, and from then on my life wasn't my own anymore. Love took hostage. It got inside of me. It ate me out out and left me crying in the darkness, so simple, a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a body-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. Nothing should be able to do that. Especially not love

        If I didn't know you as well as I do, I'd find it difficult to believe that you'd hurt a single soul- Intentionally or not. You just don't seem like they type that goes around breaking hearts You just seem way too lovely; Not because chicks don't fall for you, not because I think you aren't capable of it, because nobody knows that that's not true better than me  You're 100% capable of it. And to this day you've left me broken more times than i can count... But i'd endure all of that pain, over and over again, to end up back here with you.. if necessary

        Since day one, I believe that we've shared something incredible, something that most people can only dream of, and you being here has made me happier than anything I've ever experienced before. We've known each other a long time now and have been on and off for over a year, but believe it or not, I've cherished /every/ moment since the day we met. If you were to ask me, i'd say that our life together is already amazing, I mean, sure we have our ups and downs, well.. Probably more downs than ups, but that's what defines us as a couple, and from here on, I'm sure that it will only get better

        When it comes to us, there's a sort of domino/ripple effect. If you're happy; I'm happy. If you're sad; I'm sad. That's just how it works You have a major impact on me.

        Soul mates do exist, and with your help, i've learnt that there is beauty behind all imperfections. It took us both a world of hurt and pain, but at the end of the day, it's been proven worth it. It's true when they say, "God makes you meet a few wrong people, before you meet the right one, so you will be able to appreciate and understand their worth." Happy birthday, baby:). I love you.

Your one & only.


please please please let me know what you think. it will mean a lot. :) x

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2013 ⏰

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This is not a story. it's a love letter that i wrote & i need opinions.Where stories live. Discover now