Love Story

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You know that feeling when you think everything is perfect? When you think your life is complete and full of happiness. Well, that's how I felt, what did I know I was only five! Until that tragic moment that changed my whole life...

I was walking to the park with my mom holding my hand she said we are meeting with Mrs. Parker, Matthew's mom. I couldn't be happier; at least I would be spending time with my best friend.

"Hello, Mrs. Knight" Mrs. Knight smiled and shook hands with my mom. "How are you darling? Matt is playing their on the sand box, go and join him while me and your mom talk about adult things." I nodded eagerly as I made my way to the sand box.

I saw Matthew building a castle with the sand, he was so happy it was unbelievable. He's grinning from ear to ear like a child entered a candy shop. "Hey Matt" I waved blushing when he locked eyes with mine. "Hey Jess, come join me and help me build our castle" our castle? If it's even possible I look like a tomato now.

What felt like hours we happily finished the castle and it looks perfect!

"Jessica...there is something I need to tell you." Oh no! He said Jessica and not Jess It's obvious it's something very serious, I wonder why the sudden change? "You do know my dream is to discover the whole world, and to travel from country to country and discover every secret of it." He looked at the sky lost in thought, probably thinking about his dream.

"Even though..." he continued, "I will never forget you, even if we won't see each other again you will always be in here" he reached for my finger and pointed it on his heart. At this moment, I broke down crying.

"No! No, no, no, no!" I shouted, "you can't leave me alone...I...I need you" I whispered the last part as I hugged him tightly afraid that he will suddenly disappear.

Unfortunately, sooner or later he will disappear.


Hey guys! (:

This is the new chapter after I rewrote the story, I hope it's better because I made sure this chapter to be new and improved even though it's just a prologue to the story. Anyway plz vote and comment if you liked the chapter, and if there is any mistakes plz tell me and I will fix it as soon as possible. Thank you :D

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